our community

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by AltamirDeMarz, Nov 10, 2012.

  1. SecertAznEks is the most notable asian, and so is IamSaj and alot of others.
    SecretAznEks and penfoldex like this.
  2. And I am the most notable Spanish lol
  3. no. it isn't. lol
  4. yes, in english you would say 'I speak english, too', but not in german. Ich spreche auch deutsch, aber nicht ich spreche deutsch auch. that would be a syntax. [german duden link]
  5. Awwww, thanks.
    But you're wrong.

    I'm the most notable HALF Asian. :D
  6. Who speaks spanish :p
  7. Wut
  8. i was born in Ohio and still live thare