That was honestly my favorite week on EMC. Slightly negative trolling or not, some people's reactions were wheezing level hilarious.
I know exactly what you are talking about. Back when I bought animals from the store, I always ended up complaining to either ICC or JusinGuy telling them that it was a pain. They finally made a deal with me to stop my whining. They charged me double for the animal and then just spawned it on my res. I know that it was against the rules, but hey...
That was one of my favorite things. You could do /disguise [mobtype] and specify the mob's species and variation (for example, you could specifically be a blue sheep or a siamese cat). There were some limitations; for example, you couldn't be a ghast or a giant. I loved it, though. However, it was eventually removed due to people using it as a scam tool. I think it also crashes the server these days when Senior Staff use it.
Lets see, I remember when smp8-9 cam out. And I remember being one of the first people on it and getting lost. I remember the very first 911 free wool farm on smp1. The egging was soo bad. And I think you can look through Kryssys profile, you can find a post from me asking her to join a project I was doing. This was 2012, I think.
I remember when people actually played on SMP3. I remember when eggification came out and it was like, the most magical thing ever. I remember never being able to join a server because all five of them were full. I remember the last wild reset. I remember the LLO being active. I remember when it was just basically me, JackBiggin, and mba2012 trying to get the EMC Wiki and two other projects done, back when the Wiki was a separate site to EMC I also remember having actual friends on EMC (not just people I talk to occasionally, or people I talk to outside of EMC) and the community being so much more tight-knit than it is now. I even remember when new people on EMC were here because of single-player, or had watched the likes of Paulsoaresjr's tutorial videos (I done that way back in September 2010, which is how I heard about Minecraft), and had experience with Minecraft. They weren't just people who had come here from crappy console/mobile versions of the game, people who had just bought the game and had no clue how to do anything and left after 2 minutes or bugged everyone about simplistic stuff, or looked to idiots like SkyDoesMinecraft as an inspiration to buy the game. Oh, and JustinGuy being active. #Memories There was a lot more motivation to actually log in back then. There was something new to do everyday, and there was at least one small update that changed the game in a big way that had been uploaded overnight when you logged in.
If anyone wants to visit those co-ords, you can do that if you want. The place was abandoned not long after this picture And if somebody can tell me what texture pack I was using, please do... because I like it and to use it again
My three year is on Sunday. I joined when SMP9 had just settled down and was beginning to be a normal server just like all the others. I remember the drama surrounding the dragon egg (Unfortunately) I didn't join EMC in time to share the ANCIENT days with you all. But still, I consider myself an old timer to some extent. Edit: Remember when there was only one kind of wood? How about when the only motivation to look for villages was the hope of finding something in the blacksmiths shop? The days when iron farming was so seldom known by people that almost no one knew that it existed? My favorite is the glitch where the squid didn't recognize where water stopped and air started and swam up into the sky. xD I remember it being a thing during Halloween of 2012. For like a week anyone could disguise as anything.
I remember when villager spawning was possible in town... The servers were crashing every twenty seconds due to the bigger ones.