[Old Thread] Mob Arena

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Maxarias, Dec 4, 2012.

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  1. I never said YOU were. There are others who accuse him. Once after an arena someone accused him and he mentioned that people do so apparently people do. Had I accused you I would have said:
    Also as Sonic said:

    Most of us get in there and don't even care that we lose. We have fun, we don't get competitive and rage like monkeys at the zoo when we lose. I know Dwight and I have gone in "I'm gonna attempt to fight with a stick!" and others laugh when all they have are pants, I even go in with just my fist, last two seconds and come out "Oh yeah! 2 seconds!" *dies next round* "Heck yes! 4 secs. Beat my last time, SO PRO!" :p
    sonicol1, nickjwolfe and jrm531 like this.
  2. I vote to let nick stay fighting in Mob Arena because of 2 reasons. The first reason is obvious, because Mob arena is for everyone. But secondly (is this a word?) if you win against nick, you could say, " I BEAT NICK IN MOB ARENA ! :D"
    jrm531 likes this.
  3. When's the next one? It's always hosted really late on a Wednesday when I'm sleeping, it should be hosted on a weekend.
  4. I'm always sleeping too :/ I asked Max, I think it's easier for her.
    Joshposh70 likes this.
  5. My weekends are unpredictable. Aikar and I have to travel every other weekend, and the times we travel/get back are quite random.. I'm always here on Wednesday, and it's in the middle of the week.. I hate Mondays, but knowing that on Wednesday I get to host this event, I am able to get through those pesky Mondays. :p

    But yes, weekends are terrible for me, I'm either gone, or doing something. Aikar and I usually make our weekends our days to clean up the house as well.. So we're busy busy! :eek:
    AlexChance likes this.
  6. Oh well, If you can host it on a weekend please do as I and many others cannot be awake at 2:00AM GMT to come to a mob arena but don't worry if you can't :)
  7. I noticed that preperations are already underway.
    Joshposh70 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  8. I think Alex has fallen asleep and I'm trying to get my Mumble to work! :p
  9. Pshh, I was prepared 2 hours ago, so I get free-AFK time!
    Not quite yet, getting close though :s

    Edit: Notice how we both reply at the same time?
    PandasEatRamen and jkjkjk182 like this.

  10. Are YOU ready?
    AlexChance likes this.
  11. Been ready for 2 hours :)
  12. are_you_ready_01.jpg
    PandasEatRamen and nfell2009 like this.
  13. I am but got class at that time owell have fun :D
    AlexChance likes this.
  14. Well, I died quite quickly after hitting like the first zombie pigman...
  15. nfell2009 likes this.
  16. AlexChance likes this.
  17. Who won the sword?
  18. Still going, round is starting as we speak :)
  19. Well I cant compete
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