[OLD] EMC Shops and Attractions

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by NZScruffy, Jan 15, 2014.

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  1. Now that I've just opened, I figured it was time to post it here. :)
    Mall 7500 - Server Smp3
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  2. Smp4 8557 a promos / rares shop joshyrocks13
    Smp6 samsimx 15061 shiny stuff and dragon frags and stones and other stuff
  3. thanks golddigger221 was just gonna add it, 8557 it's a promo/rares shop
  4. 3440 SMP2 Populistyeti soon to be open
    Faithcaster likes this.
  5. You're not supposed to post unopened shops yet
    607 likes this.
  6. It should be open within the next day or so, the build is already finished just the final stages of stocking.
  7. SMP 3 7500 - Kyzoy
    EDIT: Seems like the owner beat me to it...
  8. 9475 small shop
    Beckam_caleb smp6
  9. Out of interest what prices do I need to improve to get 'good' prices?
    Pab10S likes this.
  10. I can look again if you have changed things and want it re-evaluated.
    I look for a selection of items from different categories. mostly raw items that others are crafted from. If most items are average to below average price, it's low prices. if most are above average price, it's high. otherwise it's good prices :)
    xothis_dwarf likes this.
  11. You can remove 6868 Smp3 shop from the list. Im taking it down.
    NZScruffy and Mirr0rr like this.
  12. Nooooo :\
  13. Small shop for under your spoiler:

    12009 on smp6
    PVP shop selling golden and enchanted golden apples.
    Next to PVP arenas, so you can stay in local chat.
    NZScruffy likes this.
  14. Small shop: 8703, smp4, Not Named, owned by Just_five_fun, mostly basic items needed for survival and basic setup.

    I almost always have glowstone, redstone or redstone ore, lapis, bone meal, iron, coal, lava, water, bows / arrows, cobble, netherrack, eye of ender, saddles, horse armor, iron tools and iron armor, variety of tree saplings and wood.

    There is always a mixture of limited items depending on what I can find/make such as:
    diamond armor, enchanted iron or diamond tools, enchanted bows.

    No payment wanted for you to include this shop.
    NZScruffy likes this.
  15. OK, removed. thanks.
    Added, thanks.
    Added to small shops, thanks.
    EnragedChicken likes this.
  16. Smp8 16460 - Rezxz Shopping Centre - Rezxz - Small shop but growing
    NZScruffy likes this.
  17. Looked again at your mall. It's well layed out, sells almost everything, and prices are balanced. Difficult to say 'good' prices, as you've really got everything bang on fair market value. nothing too cheap, nothing too expensive. 'good' prices indicate a competitive price. something slightly better than market value.
    However. I will list it as 'good' prices, if only to encourage people to use your mall over others who's prices vary too much to know they are getting a fair deal.

    Perhaps I need to come up with a better 'scale' system for prices. :) Any economists out there with some apt terms for shop pricing indicators?
    607 and xothis_dwarf like this.
  18. OK, looks very promising. Have listed under small shops for now. When you have it fully built and stocked, let me know, and i can probably move it to main list.
    607 likes this.
  19. Not really an economist as such, but I will have a go with a kind of scale you could use:
    Competitive prices
    Fair prices
    Market prices
    Not quite sure how to do a more expensive price term. Perhaps "Top-scale prices" or something, but try not to make it sound like nobody will buy anything there :p
  20. High price

    I can include a short blurb on the pros and cons of pricing. Including 'High price is great when selling TO a shop, it's more money for you'. or whatever. High price also means more likely to be in-stock. so there are advantages.
    Kephras and FDNY21 like this.
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