I tried making a lava wall on the page, just as I finished signing my name to notify who put up the lava wall, someone erased it. I'm close to tears right now.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread......this seems to be happening to me a lot today......
That was me the first time. and Than I remade it.. and someone else took it down Also made the cyan text above.
Good.... ....let the lava walls flow through you.... You will make a good addition to the Dark Side, apprentice.
Just a question: Do you have any cookies? If you do i'll gladly build a lava wall...around your house.
Please accept master... http://images.google.com/search?hl=...KUZGuA4LzyAHV6ICIDA#biv=i|1;d|eGG_OfUZzk79DM: