Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. Awe thanks <3
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.

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    Alyattayla, Sunny_Chicken and 607 like this.
  3. XD You dirty mind
  4. Jeeze conner! if you were ACTUALLY looking at my face you wouldn't notice the cleavage xP
  5. Off topic... Unless you might want to make a group PM? XD
  6. That's a great picture kells :)
    Alyattayla, Sunny_Chicken and Kells18 like this.
  7. most recent pic. everyone says I look like Lucille Ball. Which I think is a compliment! :)

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  8. how do i take a pic with my web cam... im horrible
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  9. First thing I noticed was your hair but there is a term for that, being a guy
  10. Just thought I would join in on the duck face action

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  11. Ha! I wanna join Miley Cyrus! AND WE CANT STOP!

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  12. pls help me down
  13. Gunna get down wit it

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  14. I've been on emc for close to two years I guess it's time I posed a pick.

    If only you knew the power of the dark side:cool:
  15. Picture 7.jpg

    Me, my messy room and my new glasses :cool:

    I don't like the fact I got new glasses, but they're ray-ban and somehow they look good on me.


  16. He probably just typed "/toggledownfall"
  17. dem enchanting eyes of mistery :3
  18. It's not exactly a picture, but I made this video this year:

  19. Mirrakuru?
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  20. ''Miracle'' in Japanese :D
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