Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2014 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 1, 2014.

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  1. image.jpg

    After that school thing , shameless selfie
  2. NOOO KSAJDCHALISUdic I hate my BAtHROOm, Why u Post pic of it for everyone else to see??
  3. know people can take of the red with computer editing softwares right?
  4. yeah well, you can take the air out of water too but i dont see hydrogen bombs going off errywhere!
  5. You scare me sometimes with your post's...
  6. Playing with effects on my little brother
    EDIT: Sorry for huge pic
  7. And then? Nothing would appear:p You would just have either a transparent or white background appearing on the places where the red was.

  8. Noticed my hair was looking decent today.
    Gosh I wear this hoodie too much
  9. so this is the mastermind behind all the exceptionally good looking builds! :D
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.

  10. Oh there are some more pictures of me scattered around :p
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.

  11. I have nice eyes too :(
  12. MOAR!
  13. I IZ scared *hides in corner*
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  14. But all the attention goes to your hair:p
  15. Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  16. Puggizes! :3
  17. that probly took her like 3 days to upload and she had to feed her internet goblin the whole time
    Alyattayla and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  18. just another bathroom selfie
  19. I wish I had a paper towel dispenser in my bathroom. :( /totesjk
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