Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. Yay! You're welsh! I knew we would find another welsh man/women here somewhere! :) You, me and rainbowchin are the only ones I know of so far! :p
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  2. Sadly I have not lived in Wales for many years now.

    And to get this thread back on track, here is a forth picture of myself.

    Taken by my friend Ondrej Herold while on a trip to the Lake distract back in January [it has under gone retouching in lightbooth for your photo boffins out there wondering why its over saturated (by Ondrej, not me)].
    MR2R2M, Olaf_C, Baby_Cookies and 12 others like this.
  3. ... sadly, it looks like something went wrong at the icecreamcow convention...

    Olaf_C, PenguinDJ, jacob5089 and 13 others like this.
  4. Tad off topic again? This is show yourself ... not show your pets or random items thread.
  5. >paid for an operating system
    the things i could teach you
    jkjkjk182, southpark347 and Jcplugs like this.
  6. Calm down. There are only a few unrelated pictures, and we all know to post pictures of ourselves, not random pictures, sometimes it might be okay.
  7. 'calm down' ? I wasn't being rude or irate at all.

    But to answer about the random and off-topic pictures... Icc posted rules at the beginning of the thread:

    1) Please limit your photos to ONLY real photos of yourself or close family/pets (sisters/brothers etc.) that are REAL and taken in the year 2013. Any fake pictures or joke pictures that aren't you or about you IRL in someway will be removed.

    2) Please keep any non-picture posts related to comments on the pictures/stories already posted. No off topic posts, please.
  8. I don't see how her post isn't acceptable since it related to Jeremy's post. There are other posts that are off topic that are doing the very same thing. Had she came in and posted it claiming it was her, like Nole did with about 6 or 7 Gir images then yeah, it should be deleted.
  9. That wouldn't happen to be a Colt, would it? Or possibly a Rock River Arms?
  10. Mossberg
  11. I'll have a new one up within the next couple of months.. been saving for a S&W 686 7 Shot
  12. A few photos of me that I found on my phone
    Just before a camping trip.
    Just before christmas (Im hoping the hat gave it away)
    And yea, 70% of my shirts are white :D
    Edit: I just noticed I take every picture in the exact same spot....
  13. That's a great revolver! The 7 shot is much stronger than the 6 shot.
  14. Most recent one of me! It is my little brother and I at the Colorado Rockies-New York Yankees game last Thursday. (The hat that I am wearing says 'Cami' on the back of it :p) and the other one is a picture of me and my best friend at the same game!

    Attached Files:

    talukegord and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  15. Here's me irl:

    me1.png me2.png

    I was using a flashlight as a microphone but it looks like I was checking for termites. Oh well...
  16. This is what happens when I get bored 931397_663742363641927_1712343505_n.jpg
  17. Nothing about Tiburok Picture is inappropriate if anything he's doing it right..... Don't try start a argument of Show Yourself thread.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  18. Summer bummer.JK
  19. You have the look of such a genuinely nice person!
    PenguinDJ and Tiburok like this.
  20. IMG_20130514_065404.jpg

    ISMOOCH and our daughter the last time he was home. :)
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