Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. i see you have a cat. i love cats xD
  2. 935532_318225971637987_1499996010_n.jpg

    The most recent addition to our family. Her name is Pond. And yes it is very much so Dr. Who related. :) My family thinks I'm nut naming her that because they don't watch Who.. the only ponds they know are the ones you fish or swim in.
    PenguinDJ, jkjkjk182, mba2012 and 6 others like this.
  3. Anakin Skywalker is back!
  4. oh noes D:
  5. Got melk?
  6. T
    The crackers!
  7. Nobody's done a gif yet?

  8. Yes he is te same!
  9. My beautiful sister and I at her graduation :)

    Attached Files:

    PenguinDJ, oremia, mba2012 and 5 others like this.
  10. Late reply is late!

    I am on the left, Ramza13 is on the right, a whole foot taller than me. (posted with his permission!)

    Another one of me
  11. In year 9 I have to wear a jumper :p Year 7s and 8s wear Blazers.

    New pictures :D
    (My concentration face + playing on ps2 like a boss... also I usually have my fringe going over my left eye, but I didn't do that today because it was getting cut)

    6 Hours after haircut/after:

    (Do I even smile?
  12. Woah your alive.
  13. I'm a sharpshooter. I don't miss.
    MR2R2M, Olaf_C, PenguinDJ and 19 others like this.
  14. Ermehgerd. It's James Bond in real life... as a girl :eek:
    ShadyShannon likes this.
  15. Did he carry around pink guns? I must've missed that part. :p
  16. And yes, he did.
    ShadyShannon likes this.
  17. 1370321373099.jpg
    zSunnies so you dont see my zombie eyes
  18. photo chosen by melk ^^^^^
    this is an old one of me when I had long hair, not sure if I'm fond of it XD

    Olaf_C, marine4121, Jay25000 and 17 others like this.
  19. You need an ear ring in your left ear - then it's complete :p
    brickstrike and mba2012 like this.
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