Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2013 Edition)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Apr 28, 2013.

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  1. I've seen a number of pictures of you, but thats like the first proper one, not just a face shot :p
  2. xD I loved it 'cause down under we don't get it, if I got it more often I'd probably hate it :p
    Pretty much :D
    :p now you know how short I am....
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. How tall are you...? 'cause I'm not seeing short :p
  4. 160cm
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. Thats not too short... Though I'm taller :p 166cm :D
  6. This is me sailing in the Netherlands. The red arrow is pointing on me ( it is so obviously ) IMG_8851.JPG
  7. Haha that would be normal where I live :)
  8. Debating whether to participate or just wait...
  9. Uhhh, YES
  10. O_O
    Are you related somehow?
    I... Don't think I'm going to ask.
  11. Nerp.
    kuraudochuu likes this.
  12. Just best friends :D
  13. Oh ok :D
  14. In the past 10 days i've changed my hairstyle a little bit...
    Anybody wanna see it? I'm trying new stuff out :3
  15. tad off-topic but I have never actually known a school to have blazer's in the uniform, in my old secondary school we had shirts and jumpers all year but with polo shirts in the summer. Then when I was in Year 9 they changed it to polo shirts year round, guess I got lucky there
    jkjkjk182, mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  16. Well I just cut my hair so i wanted to show it.... well i didnt really cut it i just took an electric razor hacked that stuff.

    Im also tired of people saying "Why do u cut all ur beautiful hair off blah blah girl is suppose to have long hair!"
    First off my hair is not beautiful, its like wolverine fought the hulk in all that. the reason it looks so good now is cuz i spend 5 mins straitening it in the bathroom.
    Second if it was longer it would take me a good hour to get that war zone looking presentable
    Third as u can see i dont wear make up because it takes to long and is pointless and just something else i gotta worry about so why the heck would i have long hair to take care of. (moral, im lazy)
    Forth because i don't care what u say *snap snap*

    The first picture is my "im actually going out somewhere" I call it the Woosh, just woosh it behind my ears

    The second picture is the "I dont give a crap #yolo video game day (thats pretty much everyday) >.>)"
  17. Come up north :p They all have them around here including my school, it was polo shirts up to the end of year 7 on my school, they decided to change it to make the school look smarter, I've had blazers for 3 years now and you just get used to it after awhile.
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. depends what your classing as the north :p
    In the real North we did away with polo shirts when I was in year 10, which was a Looonnnngg time ago :/
    [feels old]
  19. I mean north wales :p
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  20. Good to see I'm not the only welsh born here :)
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