Official 1.4 Snapshots Thread

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by chickeneer, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Well whatever they are called, you can still wear them.
  2. i did not see that cool
  3. im scared i just saw some of the video and seen a steve head run for your lives ahhhhhhhhhh
  4. Yeah getting to my Blaze grinder is gonna be a pain with the new "Wither Skeletons".
    IamSaj and mba2012 like this.
  5. I wonder if releasing lots of withers loose in the wild coincidentally next to a large base will count as griefing.......
  6. It will. they will probably keep tabs on that, as well. (because they keep tabs on flint and steel and lava buckets.)
  7. Where can I get a steve head?
  8. kill a player
    with the mob limit in the wild only so many mobs can spawn in a are of 64x64 i think
  9. I can't confirm which, but they'll be one of 2 things:
    • Unobtainable if you have to kill the player, since we don't have PvP
    • Only gettable if someone's killed by a mob/drowns/is eaten by Fluffy ect. and you happen to be right next to them
  10. This could be... Interesting...
  11. Some one should just post Paulsoaresjr video he does a snapshot review.
  12. Already did!
  13. If you wanted to get lots of steve heads, get a friend and you to go out in wild with a bed close by, both set respawn point there, and make a 1x1x2 hole with water in it so you both take turns drowning and each friend will get each others Steve heads.
    Ausizoro and JackBiggin like this.
  14. Dont wanna sound evil or anything, but I cant wait for these satanic priests
  15. Hey everybody! A recent tweet from jeb reveals a new use for pumpkins and a new food. Pumpkin Pie.
    I am more of a cake person, but pretty sweet.

  16. i hate pie but i just died and went to heaven i love foooooooood its sooooo goooood
    chickeneer likes this.
  17. Finally! Now I can use all my spare pumpkins.... :3
    mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. I know right :)
    Everybody at one point makes a Pumpkin farm, but I never really used any of mine :p
    It might be time for an upgrade to mine in preparation
    brickstrike, jkjkjk182 and IamSaj like this.