Ob1's 600 day AMA Give Away Extravaganza

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ob1bob69, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. life has been a little rough for us the last couple of days, I left and went to Minnesota for 4 days last weekend, and then with all the horrible stuff going on with my health at the moment. I promise we should get this done sometime this week!
    Dwight5273 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  2. 99, also my question is am i too late too!? xD Congratz anyways ob1 ~FDNY21
  3. not too late :)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  4. Thanks :D ~FDNY21
  5. Throw me somethin :) Best of luck tink & bob
  6. Hope You Feel Better Bestie :D
  7. 14 Please, whats your favorite cereal?
  8. Unfortunately I am not in remission anymore. Bright side it ooks like its isolated to one spot at the moment. Down side, its on my skull. I will keep everyone updated! And hopefully Ican get Bob back to this giveaway soon. We have special items and its taking a little more time to get it all pit together with everything going IRL with me. Please be patient. And thanks Bestie!
  9. Take your time, don't feel the need to do anything for us! I, and hopefully the rest of the community, would rather get the prizes six months later if it means reducing your stress levels. If you feel better by not feeling rushed to finish this, then don't worry about it.
    tinkerbell28 and cadgamer101 like this.
  10. Just curious.... who won the items?
  11. EDIT: realized its over, saw empty spots, nvm but feel free to answer the question
  12. We don't know yet, and when they feel ready to finish this, they will :)
    Elysphic likes this.
  13. ah okay :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. Howdy all. Thanks for being patient and supportive of our situation. I got some free time over the last week and have been busy filling the prize chests.

    As for the winners, I should have the access signs put on by the 13th if all goes well, they are at 70% full. I will bump the heck out of this thread when its 100%.

    And the winner is...... someone that picked a number between 0 & 101.

    Think about it.
  15. Well guys, it seems I got done quicker than expected. It's time for the "Give Away Extravaganza" portion of the festivities. I guess Tinkerbell28 was the grand prize winner with that sneeky question she snuck into my AMA.

    As for the rest of you that picked numbers, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You win!!

    I decided to do a small assortmant for you. Pick up your 2 dcs of items on Utopia at res 5424. Kind of like one of those christmas baskets you get, take what you want from it and leave the rest, lol. In case you forgot, here is the list of winners:

    Thanks all for playing. Let me know if I mispelled any names on chests (lots o' typing yo) or if you can't open it because your name is gigantic.
  16. yep! He asked me to marry him! We are now engaged!
  17. 60, Why did you decide to put 69 as the numbers in your username :p
  18. I'm sorry TheMinner333, the giveaway just finished. Winners can now pick up items on 5424 utopia server.
  19. Congrats to the 2 of u on ur engaement!!