Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by EquableHook, Sep 6, 2013.

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  1. def restarted.

    Also I have messaged the kids mother and informed her that her son is committing felonies.

    He left a ton of evidence to his identity...
  2. Ooooo Busted!!!!
  3. Suits him well.
  4. Thats weird.:confused: I saw someone message restarts had been done in this thread, and then logged off to visit smp1. I must have just had odd timing. :p
  5. I can imagine that convo on the phone...

    Aikar: Hello?
    Mother: Yes, who's speaking?
    Aikar: Hi, I am one of the owners of a 70,000 member minecraft server and have some news about your son.
    Mother (panicky voice): Oh? What has he done?
    Aikar: Oh, nothing too big, he just commited identity theft on the creator of the multi-million selling game's account.
    Mother (yelling at someone at her house): (INSERT NAME HERE) GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW MISTER!

    Oh man, would that be funny to listen to.
    jacob5089, Olaf_C, honam1021 and 6 others like this.
  6. At first glance, I thought ICC was trolling and did /disguise notch.
  7. lmao!!!!!
  8. Could someone tell us how the phone call went? I'm curious :3
  9. Oidgod, Hopefully we can get you unbanned. We all most of us believe you.

    And as for you, you piece of hacker scum, fudge off and stop messing with people's lives.
  10. We had already looked into the matter, and he has been unbanned.

    The ban will not count towards his record.
    Olaf_C, PenguinDJ, mba2012 and 5 others like this.
  11. He was unbanned, about an hour ago.
    boozle628 likes this.
  12. Thank *oid*God.
    RainbowChin and john4s13 like this.
  13. Stop. Just please, stop. That kid did wrong, i understand, but stop throwing insults left and right. He already feels TERRIBLE that he got an innocent banned, and it's not really helping that you and coridal are throwing things in his face.
    And Cordial, i did see your apology post *Insert thing Panda is obsessed with

    Did i just really defend a hacker?
    Olaf_C, jkjkjk182, wisepsn and 2 others like this.
  14. I myself want to know HOW we know who is mom is...
    NoahMarcusWhite and Parkerjv9 like this.
  15. Well.
    Maybe he should feel bad he was hacking in the first place.
  16. No, you just failed with grey text.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  17. untitled.png
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