North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. I find almost everyone on this thread to be rude. Some of these pictures of Kim I actually see is of him being happy - which should be a good thing, the ones with him crying are actually from him when his father died (I'm sure you would cry to if your father died) - Why are we making fun of this?

    I come on the forums 'Every single day' and the first things I've seen lately is Recent Threads: North Korea (Snip)

    The only time there should be a thread on this is if they 'actually shot missiles' and were 'actually trying to kill people in the united states or South Korea'.

    How does information from North Korea get posted to our news? There is access to the governments messages

    How do pictures get out from North Korea? There are bound to be North Koreans and Outsiders allowed to use internet usage frequently, else you wouldn't have the pictures.

    Ever see the pictures? The individuals have cameras, microphones, computer monitors, brand new clothing, brand new cars, newly refurbished appliances, updated phones - Just because they like keeping their military old fashioned and don't have access to the 'non - North Korean economy to boost their own' doesn't mean the people in North Korea aren't keeping up with outside information.'

    Maybe my information is wrong, maybe it's right ... but i do know this entire thing is morally wrong.

    You think dissing people everyday in hopes of them liking you will change things? And it will make you feel better too?

    Maybe perhaps Jim is reading these posts as we speak, and the reason he is mad is 'Because' we are making fun of him.
    Nothing will change if you don't change yourselves.

    You think you are the better country?

    Just because one person is a spoil sport, doesn't mean the whole team are bad players... If you want to be seen as a 'good country' in the eyes of others - you yourself need to start seeing other countries as equal and not keeping dissing them as if they're lesser. - Else i'll say 'no, you're not a better country'

    I've personally visited 6 countries: I currently live in the usa, no I don't like the economy, yes I do like the style of living, No I don't like all of the people's choices and how everything is based off of a group of people who make all the 'rules' aka the supreme court, but this is where i live and I have to get used to it.

    I used to live in Europe, and I liked how everything was pre-taxed on prices ... it was faster buying, easier transactions, and an overall better economy setup. No I didn't always like the people, No I didn't like the life style always, but I did like the traditional yet 'with modern setup' feel to everything - a lot more things seemed peaceful because my country stayed out of a lot of country affairs - or kept them 'unknown to public acknowledgment'

    However, when I came back to usa - I did noticed the differences, and that Italy did have a lot of warfare go on around me 'I was just sheltered from knowing what was going on'

    I now see today that every country is basically the same:

    We hide the real b.s. from our own country, try to go start crap with another country, make friends with another country, and use the country you befriended as a shield from the other country so you get what you want, and if things go wrong your friend is there to protect you.

    This is true in so many ways, and yet so wrong that it is true. We should 'never' take advantage of people (or countries) and should stand up for ourselves...

    -We don't need resources from other countries:
    What we need to do is continue with what we were going to do many years ago ... 'Actually make limitless clean fuel sources, that doesn't require fossil fuels'

    -I'd continue posting but it's 4am - so i'll leave it at that .... please just take what I wrote, and use it to the best of your knowledge.

    Thanks - ekl

  2. Future me (Crazy1080) posted i am too.....
  3. I think it's perfectly okay to poke fun at North Korea's hilariously empty threats. I really don't understand the jokes revolving around food, though, because honestly.. he's not very fat. I mean, sure, he's overweight, but it's not like he weighs 600+ pounds.

    So, I guess the point I am trying (and most likely failing) to make is that there are some jokes focused on him that don't take themselves too seriously, and I find those ones to be more "wholesome." The personal attack ones aren't really fair, because he's only doing what people are telling him to do.

  4. Just because i can,

    That and its 3 AM and we all know i get loopy around that time.
    Sleep is for the weak :p

    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  6. As I said before:
    I've gone through and not seen a THING rude that I posted, if you notice the second post of pictures I posted was "Kim-Jong-Ill looking at things" because it made me giggle, he looks like a freaking adult sized toddler pointing and asking about everything. I also hate logging in to see "North Korea going to war" "Omg I want to kill myself, everyone hates me" "My religion is better than yours"

    I don't think I'm better than anyone, I make fun and say things about myself all the time. I say stuff about America all the time because of the way people act. I say things about other people in other countries as well just like everyone else does. How many things have you seen with people insulting the people who think because they have more money than everyone they have the right to be a jerk, they use stupid terms like SWAG and YOLO, wear their pants around their ankles, if you're not a size 2 you're fat, if you're fat then you're the scum of the earth and need to be killed, if you're sick then you're a liar just trying to get pills, the people who are "too good" to hold the door for other people, help elderly people, actually be a friend?

    Not all of us have the luxury of being able to travel everywhere, have the money to pay all our bills, have food on the table, wipe our butts with dollar bills just like not all of us can cope and deal with hearing this stuff and making a hype over it. Some of us have to have humor and not everyone has the same sense of humor.
  7. You see.
    Is why we will end up in a conflict. All because someone thought it would be a good idea to hack into NK's twitter.........
    (Edit) I made you all a meme thing....

    Just because it is now 4 am here and i am going mad.....
    L0tad and BilboBaggins23 like this.
  8. If anyone is interested, this is a link to the Korean Central News Agency of the DPRK.

    It has links to their various news stories going on at the moment.
  9. *Fixed Austrians to Australians*

    Also, what do you mean by something happening? And yes, I believe Canada would back S.K.
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. Bravo, but they do have factories from Samsung and LG products (I thought but that could be S.Korea )
    SoulPunisher and Twitch1 like this.
  11. Guys, I remember hearing yesterday that N.K. is a few years away from putting a nuclear warhead into a missile, but it's still close
  12. In the UK we get taught that in Year 5, so the age range for that is 9-10.
    Don't know about the US, but in England we get taught that in school quite early on. From a young age we're taught quite alot about war and its effects. This is how I became interested in warfare around the age of 11 and know more than I should about it.

    Also we were taught about what the Nazis were and what they did and how they went to war with us in Year 2 (Which is 6-7 years old)...And they also showed us images of gassed jews, mass graves, concentration camps and made us write 2 whole paragraphs about it. Then they made us write what we'd do to Hitler if we ever met him... What I wrote was
    "I would get a katana and chop his legs off and eat his feet and make him watch then i would shoot him in the chest and slap his face then i would stab him in the eyes"
    ...I have the book right here... Let's just say I was a sadistic 6 year old and shouldn't have been allowed to write what i'd do to Hitler.
    Squizzel_Boy and mba2012 like this.
  13. What if I told you my dad hit me and told me I was a mistake, a useless 'piece of crap', and he didn't care about me? Would I cry then? No, I wouldn't. I would laugh.

    (I'm not saying that happens, either)
  14. lmao i laughed at the part that said, " a picture posted Thursday on the North's Flickr site shows Kim's face with a pig-like snout and a drawing of Mickey Mouse on his chest. Underneath, the text reads: "Threatening world peace with ICBMs and Nuclear weapons/Wasting money while his people starve to death."

    I would hope so Canadians fight bears and ride moose they can take em.

    I got to thinking last night 99% of the NK military has never been outside of NK and they have never seen newer advanced technology before. Most of what they know is lies fed to them and im pretty sure Kim something unimportant, has been fed lies too.

    My professor, he has numerous degrees in history and war related tactics, says that even if they do try something they do not know what awaits them from the U.N but mostly America, Canada, SK, .etc... IF anything did happen the U.N would come out on top.

    America is not going to release a nuclear bomb any time soon, obviously they see what happened with Japan and the president then even stated he regretted it. And Would you want to bomb a brainwashed nation of citizens that have nothing to do with any of this?
    L0tad likes this.
  15. I guess the full scale of what was happening sunk in for me.......
    The realization of how screwed we are if this turns into Nuclear Warfare.

    I heard this morning they have been approved to use short range "light" nukes on the U.S. If we aide S.K.
  16. I wouldn't worry :)

    It's almost certainly a bluff, and even if it isn't, the chances of them managing to fire a rocket far enough to reach the US, let alone with a nuclear bomb on it, are extremely low. Besides, there's a good chance of intercepting a rocket anyway :)

    North Korea aren't powerful enough, and aren't friendly enough with anybody else, for a nuclear war, anyway.