North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. News is coming in fast right now, so I'll give updates as I can
    jacob5089, mba2012 and NINJATTILA like this.
  2. Ok, done with this thread. I don't need to flip into a panic attack from a bunch of kids. The news and whatnot will do a good enough job.
    L0tad and mba2012 like this.
  3. Suit yourself.
    kevdudeman likes this.
  4. The only thing north Korea can launch and be successful at is a full on food buffet. Anyway America, China, Japan, Russia, and over half the U.N have already prepared if they shoot a missile off they have missiles to locate on radar and shoot it down. Also China has moved over half their military towards the NK boarder. The U.N has everything under control and we all know how this will turn out if it does happen.

    NK shoot rocket
    Rocket blow up on them
    Kimmy cries then eats his cake


    NK shoot rocket
    U.N shoots it down
    Kimmy cries then eats his cake
    penfoldex and PandasEatRamen like this.
  5. This possible threat of a Nuclear war should not be taken lightly. The missile could be shot down, but N.K also has a mass of infantry, tanks, and other units that could easily overwhelm the US and S.K troops that are stationed at the DMZ. As for China, the units it has along the border are most likely not there for war, but to help with any refuges crossing into China should a war happen.
    SoulPunisher and mba2012 like this.
  6. Found this on the internet, it fits the situation nicely.
  7. Also there are Young children on this Site 10 and below, you dont need to be feeding their minds with getting blown up. And don't say OOOH they need to learn the dangers of the real world. No just no, i was in 1st grade with 9/11 happen and my own mother scared me enough as it is let alone the internet feeding lies and crap. And it took me a while to get over it.

    Watch what you say, i wouldnt want my 12 year old cousin or my 6 year old cousin reading this thread. If you wanna talk about war and blowing people up maybe you need to talk about in in a private chat or something.
  8. The thread is called "North Korea enters a state of war with South Korea." This thread is about war, and what could happen if it does happen.
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. So I'ma just add my 2 cents. When you made this thread, did you stop and think about the age range on EMC? We have kids on here who are around 9 and up. If some of these kids don't know exactly about all that stuff, I can't remember what age they start teaching bombs and stuff in History, but could you imagine some kid reading on a game forum "North Korea is talking about bombing us."? If they went to their parent and said "Mommy this MrLegit said on EMC forums that we're going to be bombed, I don't want to die!" etc. I'm sure their parent would not be happy. You've had a bunch of "kids" posting in this thread the entire time, only a few adults. It seemed fine and now suddenly you're posting "Oh hey now maybe we should worry, I'm going to spam every 30 minutes as if I'm a news reporter and as if this is the end of the world."

    Edit: Brit semi-beat me.
  10. I would like you to point out where I said we are going to get bombed? Also, how am I spamming. If you don't like this thread, leave, its that simple.
  11. You still have to watch im pretty sure a 9 year old isnt going to be like "OmG DeH TalK aBut WaR i ShoUldnT ReAd DaT!" They are going to click read then freak out if you're not careful.
  12. Fine, if it makes you happy, I'll ask the mods to put a warning in the title. I don't see why this was mentioned now, just as stuff starts happening, but ok.
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. It was fine until suddenly:
    and your posts being in 30 min intervals.
  14. I never said they were going to launch nukes, I said the possibility was higher. This is what is going on right now. I'm not here to censor stuff. And as for my posts not being edited, that has already been stated why I do that. Like I said, if you're going to complain, why don't you leave?
  15. In light of the the news lets make the most of it :D

    How All this is gonna go down

    EDIT (Does this guy only have like one outfit or something?)
    ninjaboy5656, penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  16. So my 14 year old sister saw this thread and sat down and read the whole thing while i was drooling over the graphics of Tomb Raider previews on Xbox.
    Her reaction to getting to read everyone's post on this thread, was as follows. and i quote.

    And then i explained to her the gravity of what she was reading......
    (Apparently it is weird if I don't keep up with world events, but when the 14 year old text's all day long and is addicted to facebook one doesn't know about what is going on. That's perfectly normal.....)

    Now laugh at this while NK yells at everyone ._.
  17. britbrit3197 likes this.