New Atlantia

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kephras, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Now to attempt how to Mac download xD
    Kephras likes this.
  2. All but one section of the north wall in the West District is complete. Think I gave myself an aneurysm trying to splice a gatehouse onto the end of the Crafting Hall, but managed it somehow. All that messy redstone is finally covered and sealed off.

    In other news, Bobcat's done some great work building up the West District housing. Will have to get some new shots of that soon (when it's not raining, hopefully).
  3. So in New Atlantia [ESTABLISHED] yet?
  4. No, and it's unlikely it will ever be, officially. In order for that to happen, Firelor and Nickbowhunter would both have to agree to the chartered establishment, and neither have responded - it's entirely possible neither ever will.