My view of America.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ww2fan168, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Not a fan of this stuff either xD I just thought that the thread would be about companies putting preservatives in almost every food which comes in a packet. And stuff like McDonalds :p
  2. So... giving the Iranian people more reasons to hate America which is the source of all these problems coming from Iran and nuclear weapons, and also meddling in their affairs even more? No thanks.
    *American companies ;)

    Food companies offering their produce in European Union member states aren't allowed to put loads of preservatives in their food - it's why American McDonald's chips (sorry, fries/crisps?) taste so different to the UK's (and I'm assuming other European countries too? :p) :3
    607 and Deadmaster98 like this.
  3. Sounds like a great plan! Go make a volatile country even more volatile! You're thinking with a flag, not your brain. That would not work. It'd cost America even more money that they don't have. Luckily China won't mind, just going to help with the debt takeover conspiracy.

    Here is an image from the Whitehouse's website:


    I actually suggest you read the source link. It contains a lot of information that will put your mind at rest that the US will live another day (unfortunately).
  4. >Implying all other presidents have been 100% honest

    Kennedy lied about American involvement in Bay Of Pigs
    LBJ lied about how America was "winning" Vietnam
    Nixon lied when he said "I'm not a crook"
    Reagan lied about having no involvement with the Iran-Contra Affair
    George H.W. Bush lied about taxes
    Bill Clinton lied about having "No sexual relations with that woman"
    George Bush lied about pretty much everything with Iraq

    All presidents lie, all Prime Ministers lie, everyone lies. Stop pointing at Obama like he's the one and only.
    jkjkjk182, nfell2009, mba2012 and 2 others like this.
  5. Yeah I think the UK deserves a bit of credit for Iran's instability. And maybe the people deserve some of the credit for, like, going for a theocracy instead of a democracy.

    All that said, they're stabler than most of the Middle East. I actually kinda want to visit Iran, but I really like pomegranates.
  6. Shock horror! Obama lied! Like every Emperor, King/Queen, Pope, Priest, President, Prime Minister, dictator, celebrity, and person who ever lived! What an absolute nob!

    Obama's job involves lying. His government's job involves lying. A lot of things involve lying. It's not right, but it's necessary to keep his people calm, to stop them freaking out over thing. He's not even the person who makes most of the decisions - from what I can understand about American politics (alongside your horrendous two party thing, etc.), he's just a figurehead. Like the Monarchs in Europe, but with a little bit more power than they have (not limited to just passing laws or assuming control of their country if a messed up party comes into power). He's not supposed to be, but that's the way it is currently. He's a great, forward-thinking President. He makes mistakes and doesn't have a clean conscience, but neither does anyone else. On top of that, he radiates power when jogging (British Prime Ministers look like stoned frogs :/), and he seems like a cool guy to be mates with :p

    America also doesn't have too much freedom. Your mass-surveillance issues, your two party elections, and the fact you're not actually a democracy makes you... not free. Obama stands for a better America, IMO. Just look at all the big pushes he's made for LGBT community rights and stuff he's done for equality and such - that's what American freedom should be more like.

    Aye, the UKOGBANI/UK (see what I did there? ;)) deserves some credit for the instability in Iran. We dump all of that on Tony Blair and his 'Blairites' (who are supporters of Labour being more conservative and capitalist than socialist, and dragged us into a bunch of international conflicts we didn't want anything to do with) - not many of us actually wanted to go to any wars in the Middle East, our Prime Ministers and governments did because we're buddy-buddy with the United States.

    Also, are you saying we have a theocracy in the United Kingdom, and in Canada, Australia, India, the Bahamas and a bunch of African countries and some Pacific islands because we have a monarchy? Are you saying we don't have democratic parliaments and democratically-elected Prime Ministers? Or do you mean Iran? You worded it like you were talking about the UK and the Commonwealth realms and stuff :confused:
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  7. Obama lying is a completely different thing to that page on the website. Obama probably doesn't even know it exists.

    No, common sense is that Iran will follow through with this deal. I've said it multiple times, it's in Iran's best interest to follow through with this. How would you like it if America couldn't participate in the world economy? You'd basically have to run the country with a communist regime (and we couldn't have that could we, because communism is evil and communism will mean the end of the world) to make sure you had enough food to feed everyone.

    Obviously you don't know much about what you're talking about. The sanctions haven't been lifted yet ;)

    I don't get why some people hate Obamacare so much. He's trying to keep you alive with it. You just must not be one of the millions of Americans who can't afford health insurance and because of that can't afford life saving surgery or something. Don't just think about how it's going to affect you, think about how it'll affect millions of others.
    SoulPunisher and Deadmaster98 like this.
  8. Do you realise how hard it is to take you seriously when you scream 'Murica? There's patriotism and there's what you're doing, 'Greatest nation on gods green earth' is just cringe worthy. SoulPunisher is giving an unbiased opinion on the US politics whereas yours is affected by your personal views...
    nfell2009 and mba2012 like this.
  9. Slightly conflicted on which side to choose. Do I choose the trusted and official source which is the White House or do I choose your untrusted and opinion biased views? It's most likely that the White House isn't lying. They're using factual data that they have and putting it together.

    Western countries as whole (mainly USA, UK and maybe France), have really shaken up the middle east. Dictatorships actually work (for some weird reason) and they kept the different groups/tribes/cults/gangs/whatever in the different middle eastern countries, all happy. However, since the countries listed above got involved and we removed the dictator, then control was lost and what we have now has happened. Iran is a lot more stable than others, but it is neighboured by hostile countries, and itself isn't overly happy with its current treatment from the US, UN and EU.

    Also, side note; the things that were/are happening in Syria & Egypt was from western involvement. Gaddafi kept the 'peace' and we went in, got involved and then started another problem. Those parts of the world are in some way, uncivilised in comparison to us western countries which basically means our ideals don't follow through the same way.
  10. They hate U.S. Cuz they ain't U.S.
  11. Or they just hate the way the US deals with other countries. How the US imposes its own international laws but then ignores its own laws that it has set. How the US just does. How the people within it are so patriotic that they cannot seem to take any criticism about their nation.

    I really don't think Iran is jealous of the US. Just slightly annoyed at how the US has impacted the country.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  12. This might come as a shock to you, but America is not the greatest country in the world. You are far from it. There's a reason people hate the US, and it's because you think you have the right to barge right into other peoples business because democracy and freedom.

    Call me a racist or whatever, but I could say the same thing about you. All of this America is great and the middle east is evil stuff is what is fuelling their anger against America and is making them even more "evil". It's a vicious cycle that requires respect from both side, which is going to be very hard to find now.
  13. I think you mean realist, not racist :p
    Deadmaster98 and mba2012 like this.
  14. But does the size of your military really mean anything? Would it not be better to be powerful because you can talk things over and solve things peacefully rather than just being able to kill the most people at the same time.
    SoulPunisher and Deadmaster98 like this.