My return.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by StgbtL, May 30, 2021.


Who missed me?

I did! 2 vote(s) 18.2%
I did not.. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Who are you? 9 vote(s) 81.8%
  1. So guys, its been a while. it feels like the empire has grown old and i can be that one aunt that goes "wow you have gotten so big!" but its true. as of June 1st (Or 5th), I will be making my return back to the server after ~1-2 years of being away. If anyone can, catch me up. What happened? who joined and who left? Did any well known players quit or get banned when i was gone? has the economy for a certain item inflated or deflated? did any well known staff step down or any player step up to being a staff member? Have any rules changed added or removed?
    Many questions asked. and many have zero answers.
    But yeah, that is about it. see you soon.
    i hope you all had fun without me lmfao.

    Another thing too, i will be rejoining the official empire minecraft discord!
    Yes i know, Christmas came early! i will be rejoining not only the server but its discord server as well!
    To be honest, i dont know if ill be super active on the forums.

    HA I LIED! of course ill be active on here! what do you want me to be inactive?

    All jokes aside however yes, i will (try to be) as active as possible on the server, its discord server, and the forums.
    liamwill, MoreMoople and wafflecoffee like this.
  2. Hi there. No idea who you are (only been playing since January 8th of this year or so) but great to have more players!

    Can't really answer your questions in terms of change, but can say based on what others say:

    Beacons are pretty much completely deflated (only about 2500r each rn due to large scale auctions). Also, quartz has deflated very significantly (only about 50k per DC now)

    Aside from that, ancient debris and shulker shells seem to be able to hold 1000r apiece.

    In terms of what else sells well, concrete/terracotta and such has demand.
    607 likes this.
  3. Thanks, i usually tend to "study" the EMC economy because i am a bit of a shoppy kind of person :)
  4. Welcome back megmewX! I remember you... a bit, but I'm glad to see you return! :D
    607 likes this.
  5. Welcome back! I remember you. :)

    You played in 2014 :mad:
  6. 1 month of me selling cobblestone in 2014 does not count lol
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  7. Welcome back to the Empire!
  8. Huh, you changed your name just a few hours ago! I wonder that there are still so many "Who are you?" votes. :p
    Welcome back!
  9. I used to go by megmewX, but i got sick of the name so i decided to change it
    easy as that
  10. Welcome back!