My Custom Resource Pack

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Carr_x, Oct 25, 2015.


Publicize Or Private?

Publicize It! "Its more beautiful that my girlfriend!" 58 vote(s) 92.1%
Keep it to yourself... "Even default is better" 5 vote(s) 7.9%
  1. R3D has said on their thread that they want credit for any forks of their textures. Even though you got it from a different pvp pack, if you go the route of releasing it publicly, I would probably give them some credit for that leaf texture and maybe a few others (but definitely leaf).

    Nice combination though. I personally use R3D Smooth x128 with a few missing/disliked textures replaced by Sphax x128. I am a fan of mixing packs, as it's almost always impossible to love every single texture in a given pack. The sweet spot is to find a pack that has most of what you like and a few packs more to replace disliked ones with :)
    iNachos10 and OrangeDuck607 like this.
  2. The poll conflicts me. The resource pack is absolutely stunning, but I have no girlfriend. Can I say it's as beautiful as my cat?
  3. Haha, the same applies to me :p

    EDIT: But I don't have a cat either, so does my dog count too?
    iNachos10 and BurgerKnight like this.
  4. Finally some mixed feedback! I totally agree with this. I will try and give credit to all the texturepacks i know are in this if i were to release this ;]
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  5. Yes XD
    BurgerKnight likes this.
  6. This pack is such a masterpiece wiiboy222, I would definitely love to see more on this. Thank you for your efforts it all looks very nice! ;)
    iNachos10 and SirWii like this.
  7. Looks awesome! I am also working on a texture pack, mainly for myself. I am basing it off of Durzo 32x32. I would love to try yours out, if you ever release it.
  8. Late bump
  9. Anyone still want this to happen? :D
    Galantisizer and LtCaptainMe like this.
  10. Absolutely! :)
    If you want to continue it, please do!
    Xatez and Wither_Addict like this.
  11. Il try and update it ready for 1.11
  12. tfw a year old thread is bumped
  13. ;] Well, i completely forgot about it XD
  14. just make a new one :)
    Xatez likes this.
  15. what i use canvas! (v2)
    Xatez likes this.
  16. as an avid amateur astronomer, the earth makes me twitch slightly, but the rest looks very nice, I r8 8/8 no h8 str8 appreci8 and congratul8
    Xatez likes this.
  17. I have looked into the files of that resource pack and compared the textures to mine. Although they are similar "Canvas" uses a much blockier smoother style. In comparison, mine uses a rougher style.