When i was 6 or 7, i was standing on the top of the wood fence ( like a fence for horses ). As i was jumping off, I hit a rusty nail on the way down. I had a huge gash from my collar bone down to my waist. When i was like 10, i was riding my horse. It just finished raining, so i was practicing on doing some jumping. When i was going over the 1st jump. He bucked me off and i slammed my back into a 4*4 post and cracked a vertebra. about 9 months ago, my friend accidentally stabbed me with a pen in my arm. So have a nice scar where i was stabbed. Then about 2 months ago, i was in a rear-end car accident. I was stopping at the light and this woman plowed right into the back of my car. I hurt my back, i was in some good pain for about a month and a few weeks... I'm just bad luck... :/
Mine would either be when I broke my finger during football practice and had to continue practicing for another hour, or when I had an acetylene torch land on my arm after being used last year.
Well where do I start... my brother and I were climbing some high trees when I was 12 and he was 10 they were evergreens therefore bendy and leafey. Well anyway I was going through these trees (there was a lot close together so you could jump to another) and then I heard my brother scream... so I got down from the tree as I couldnt see him and sure enough he was hanging 20 feet up by his boxers on a long branch which was cutting him on the back. I didnt realise this and couldnt walk for laughing so much (I was mean) because he was physically hanging by his pants getting the most insane wedgie you'd ever feel. So yeah I couldnt tell my mum and dad because I was laughing so much until about 5 minutes later... I feel bad now but c'mon what would you do?
Physically - I don't know which hurt worse ... me running down a hill and run into an electric fence hitting me in the forehead - I believe I was running to my mom, cause It felt like constant ringing and buzzing in my head... or me and my cousins throwing random plants in a field at each other - and one turning out to be like a projectile and stabbing me above my eye - needing surgery to remove :3 -there's also being stung by bees, but that doesn't count considering i'm allergic Mentally...I watched my cousin have his face shot off (self explanatory on the pain on that one)
hmm Either when I got my finger caught in a flappy thingy. Or when I tripped over stairs and had teeth go through lips etc.
The most painful thing I can think of was when I was around 9 and fell off a scooter going down a steep hill and pretty much ripping my knee open e.e But then over the next 2 days I managed to trip over 3 times on the same knee. By the third time I was bleeding black blood Oh the joys
I am very, very, VERY cautious, so I've never gotten stitches or broken a bone. Really, the most painful moments in my life are stubbing a toe, somehow managing to slam my hand in the car door, and, when I was younger, walking across a path in the park only to get mowed down by my sister's electric scooter. -_- I was thrown clear off the path. Really, they tell you to look both ways in the street, but most people tend to be safe in the park.
I've honestly had the safest life in the world... here's a list of pretty much all of the really painful things EVER. (in order too) 5yrs: Fell off my bike, cut my knee slightly 5yrs: Fell off my bike, cut me knee slightly and got a rock stuck in my helmet. 6yrs?: slipped, fell on a corner of a statue. hurt a bit, then realized it was bleeding like a knife cut. 9yrs?: was riding a friend's bike up a hill, it was too small, fell off, grazed knee & elbow. 11yrs: Got hit it the nose with a basketball. 'nuff said 11yrs(almost 12): walking back to school after a DQ lunch, friend tripped me, scraped hand a bit, knee and hip were raw. (oh my god that hurt >.< I couldn't sit for a couple hours) EVERY DAMN DAY: Stubbing my toe
I'd have to say my most painful moment was when I wrecked my dirtbike after going missing a ramp. I was getting up to speed and suddenly my wheel hit a rock or something so I missed the ramp and drove straight off the dropoff which was about a 30 foot drop.. (yea, I'm crazy) When I hit the ground I slid across the leaves on the ground and ended up with a good 15 inch gash in my thigh. To make matters worse, I had to stitch the wound up myself before I could make my way to the hospital. That was not fun. To make mattters even worse, once at the hospital, the doctors thought I had head trauma and decided a MRI was needed. Apparantly I had some shrapnel from the bike inside my wound, and they were ripped out by the machine almost immediately after it started up.. Needless to say I was in pain for over a week afterwards. I was about 18 when all this happened. Good times, good times
I've got my fair share of pain. When I was 10, I got into a fist fight with some students older than me. It was intense. I got threw around like a rag doll, and fractured my right arm. I twisted my left knee while playing basketball. Then twisted the same knee while skiing a 6 months later. I was holding a baby once and he decided to headbutt me, splitting my lips. I broke my right wrist accidentally flipping over while doing a handstand. I punched a wooden door out of anger, seriously injuring my hand muscles. I stub my toe every now and then But nothing hurts me more than matters from the heart really.