Getting into that car accident, having my head lodged forward into the front seat and literally for a moment, not know who I was or where I was for a few seconds.
Oh I forgot a few myself. I was riding my scooter to the park one day and so theres this little sidewalk thing thats up a bit so if you just go strait you will just bash into it. One day I decided to see if I could jump over with it and turn my scooter 360 degrees. Let me just say I didnt use that scooter for a month. Another time I was very little and we had just moved into a new house, I tripped over some random thing (I think it was a firetruck) and fell down the stairs. The only thing was we had not put carpet yet >.<
WAY too many painful moments in my life. Right off the bat, most painful... Got hit with a flying nickle in the right eye when I was like 14. Still remember that because I tried to be tough & my eye wouldn't stop watering, giving the impression that I was crying. Oh wait, I got hit in the friggin eye, I WAS crying. Broke my femur Tore my quadriceps muscles & hamstring (when my broken femur ripped through them) Tore ACL - actually I've torn both and the right one hurt while the left one didn't at all And finally, probably the MOST painful thing I've ever dealt with were gallstones. I had to get my gallbladder taken out because it was packed full of these painful, annoying, stones that kept causing me issues. But it only hurt whenever I would breathe, walk, talk, stand, sit, sleep, eat, drink...
Headbutted by my baby cousin. Nose hurt a lot and bled a fair bit, but it stopped after a short while Only a couple of weeks ago actually, I was on the ball playing soccer running down the pitch, some guy comes out of nowhere behind me and sticks his leg out, I pretty much did a front flip, landed on the soft spot on my head, hurt my legs and arms pretty bad as I rolled out of it too.
For anyone in the UK, they'll know what I mean. Stepping on one of these is a one way ticket to the worst pain imaginable. That and Lego Lego bricks can burn in hell, sharp little things.
A couple years ago I became ill with mononucleosis, which is why my immune system is pretty much destroyed. Basically for seven days my throat turned white and swelled shut, I had a painful headache and fever at 105 degrees F. At night the illness gave me hallucinations which (somehow) caused extreme physical pain. I was bedridden the entire week, and I could barely sleep or breath because my throat had shut. Also I couldn't eat and could barely drink. I went at most 3 days without food. I couldn't be around the family during that week (it was Chritmas). Not fun. I found out that the case I had was severe and caused bodily weakness, and the doctor aid I couldn't do cross country for a month. Because of this I can't donate blood and if I catch an illness from someone else, I get it twice as bad.
That is not too surprising actually. I suspect that you were either very stressed or your brain thought you were in pain, so it "gave" you pain. Not the best placebo effect in the world.
Where do I start... 1. Burning me face with an iron ._. ya know.. those things you use on your clothes 2. crushing my hand in-between 2 rock (about 20 kilos/44 pounds) 3. Motorbike accident, Didn't really hurt at that time maybe because I was blacked out XD but the day after... oh my gosh.... e.o I was in hospital for 2 weeks and plastic surgery to fix up my face ._. The only scaring left is half of my eyebrow is thinner than my other and im part blind in my eye aswell :] (when I was 6 >.<) 4. Needles...
My worst pain is either The soreness i feel across most of my body right now, that i have felt for the past few days Getting shoved into the wall in soccer Stepping on a toy garbage truck that belonged to my little half brother, which then started bleeding i think, with me being the only one home Any of the numerous times i have been tripped or fouled in soccer Getting hit right by my jewels with a soccer ball when i was little, the ball left an impression for a little too Getting hit right in my stomach and getting the wind knocked right out of me making it difficult to breath (a kid like two years older than me kicked a soccer ball and i was only like two yards or so in front of him, and he was a strong kicker, so i was trying to avoid getting hit by the ball) As you may be able to tell, i have played soccer for a while.
Can't remember much until about Middle School, one summer Brit and I decided to sit on the skateboards and ride them down the hills in the graveyard in front of our house. We got brave and rode down two of the biggest. The first one I started to zigzag, lost control and somehow went sailing off the skateboard, landed sitting in the middle of the road and then the skateboard came rolling down next to me, so we got brave and tried the next one. Ended up zigzagging, losing control and leaning to the left which skinned the side of my left knee on the pavement really bad. Two summers later we were hanging out at the neighbor's house playing with his niece and nephews. We had this sticky lizard and it got stuck on the ceiling, I went to jump up to grab it, came down sideways on my right foot, it snapped really loud and hurt so bad. Couldn't move it and could only cry and beg for my dad. He had to help me to the car and to the ER. It was just sprained really bad but one more pop and it probably would have broken. Senior year of high school I was working in our school daycare for a class. I was in the "Newborn-Two Years" room that day, was the only one who could even lift one of the boys. So that day I messed up and forgot to lift with the knees. My lower back cramped but I didn't think anything of it until I got home, leaned over to put clothes in the dryer and a pain shot through my back so bad I couldn't breathe or walk, all I could do was cry. It was so bad mom had to eventually take me to the Chiropractor.