That's actually a really interesting thing to try. If you can get good enough at lucid dreaming, you could pretty much "build" the dream before going into it. Heck, you could have something like a "debug mode" where you completely pause the dream and edit whatever you want. I've always been kind of interested in lucid dreaming, but never really practiced it. Funny thing is, I was already planning to start tonight and keep a dream journal, when I found this thread. Wish me luck I used to have a lot of lucid dreams where I had telekinesis or could fly, and they usually took place in my regular house. Because they were so realistic, it was always kind of disappointing to wake up and realize that I didn't really have super powers Flying dreams are really fun, though - I'll probably do quite a bit of flying if I ever master lucid dreaming.
I had a lucid dream a week or two ago. I remember quite clearly in one segment of the dream a car chase down an area near my house, which then went into a sort of jungle area, where I was chased by an elephant, before being shot through a cannon into some castle, where I went down a water slide into some underwater area and the whole thing became like a level in Super Mario 3D Land. I went up onto a bridge structure and went into a pipe, which spat me out. Bowser then appeared. I failed to defeat him.
It is when you are aware that you are dreaming, and that way you can basically do whatever you want in the dream.
In that case Once. I've always wanted to hang glide in a dream... The one time I realized I could control the dream, I gave myself a hang glider... That is all.
Well, I've been keeping/using a dream journal for the past four days, and I've been able to remember at least part of my dreams each night since then. Pretty boring dreams, but dreams nonetheless.
I'd start trying to know I'm in the dream instead of the other way, but I am too lazy to get a dream journal.
I was flying above the spawn of SMP1, along with ICC and he was shooting ice cream out his behind.. Anyways then I thought... How am I flying? I'm not a snr staff so I fell to my death and then Spawned in the nether... I'm a horrible lucid dreamer.
I think i have had one lucid dream in my life so far, terrifying. Abit too graphic for this form I hear after a while you can start to control them better, but, how do you get to the dream. How do you trigger one, and more impotently, how do you remember more of your dreams?
There are basically two ways to have lucid dreams: 1) becoming aware of a dream you're already having, or 2) going directly into a dream from wakefulness (Wake Induced Lucid Dream, or "WILD"). WILD's are very difficult for most beginners, so for most people it's easier to focus on improving the dreams you already have. Either way, it will take practice, consistency, and a positive attitude. Here are some tips for becoming more aware of your dreams: 1. Have a regular diet and sleep schedule. Early to bed, early to rise. Don't eat too much or use a computer/television screen right before bed. Also, try to get plenty of sunshine during the day - it helps you sleep better at night. 2. Keep a dream journal. Every time you wake up - be it in the middle of the night, early morning, or after a nap - write down everything you can remember from your dreams the night before. Usually people forget most of their dreams within minutes of waking up, so planning to write them down is a great way to remember them. 3. Perform "reality checks" during the day. For example, mirrors and light switches usually behave strangely in dreams. If you can walk through a mirror, you're probably dreaming. Do a google search for more/better examples. 4. If you find that you are in a dream but are losing control, try one of the following. They should help you gain control of the dream (though I've never tried them myself): rub your hands together focus all your senses on one object spin around as fast as you can shout out loud (make sure you're not a sleep talker first ) The dream journal is easily the best single thing you can do to improve your chances. I usually only remember dreams maybe once or twice a week, but since I started my journal I've been having dreams every night. If you really want to have lucid dreams, then do this: after your nightly sleep, wake up for a few minutes, move around, and then go back to bed. Your brain chemistry is more likely to produce a lucid dream in the morning than at night.
I go lucid almost every night, and it's honestly my favorite part of going to bed. I usually dream about flying over cities, or making the buzzer-beater in a basketball game. Sometimes I try to play out events I am nervous for, such as a test or tryout. I use the WBTB (Wake back to bed) and the WILD technique together. I find when I do this I have very vivid lucidity and control. But on most nights I use the WILD technique by itself. It takes me around 15mins to reach paralysis (A guesstimate of course ) and from their I loose track of time and slip into my dream. Tips I have for beginners: -DO NOT GIVE UP! I tried every night for 2 months before I became lucid for the first time. After that it became more and more common -Leave you mouth open if you are using WILD. This allows your jaw muscles to relax, allowing SP to occur faster -If you develop a "turn signal" (such as an itch, discomfort, chill, or the notorious "swallow signal") Ignore it. You body is testing to see if you are still awake. This signal will persist for a while until your body decides you are asleep. Best of Luck to any future Lucid Dreamers!