Lucid Dreamers! report here

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by SaizoTheFifth, May 22, 2013.


Lucid dreamer?

Yes 8 vote(s) 36.4%
no 6 vote(s) 27.3%
i dont know 3 vote(s) 13.6%
Mabey 5 vote(s) 22.7%
  1. I always wanted to hang glide.... so when i lucid dreamed the one and only time, i gave myself a hang glider.
  2. Well... there was this one time I got to go into the TARDIS in my dream. And then I realized it was just a dream... so I shot the doctor in the head and chucked him into the Time Vortex and somehow I knew how to fly the TARDIS. So, I time travelled to the end of the dinosaurs and piled a crapton of dinosaurs onto the TARDIS and put them on modern day earth and watched them eat everyone - then the doctor somehow came back to life and threw me off the TARDIS... Then I woke up and realized I had been controlling that dream, because I knew it was a dream.

    Then one day I had sleep paralysis in the morning, and I could hear somebody calling my name. I couldn't move. Then the next thing that happened is my brother started stabbing me in the chest. According to my mum, I was screaming like I was in pain. Then, I regained control of my muscles and stabbed him in the face. Then I kicked him off me and he died. Then I stood up and my mum, sister and brother were staring at me like "Dafuq!?!?!"