Large Territories on SMP2

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Windylava, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Yea we've all had to get quite Intuitive to expand lol :p
    I do encourage people to share their own Empires within the Empire and share Maps of them! :D
  2. I know you can edit them, just staff might not like it if people can't ride horses jumping through your roads that border the 4 res square. Contact Senior Staff about getting yours edited if you want and there's a wiki somewhere on what you can and can't do.
    SSRCMegaMall likes this.
  3. Yeah, you'll have to find someone pretty smart to get the link, I tried to find it, and came up empty handed.
  4. Well I was going to put an overlay of my outpost, block for block over the top of this picture but the original picture disappeared. :-P
  5. Meh, I prefer to compare them to corporate monopolies. =P
    SSRCMegaMall likes this.
  6. UltiPig likes this.
  7. (cough) check post #18 on the first page (cough)
    UltiPig likes this.

  8. Thats what district 67 used to be. There were some nice projects. 31 Res; 23 Player. It was alot of fun :D Note: not all of the following examples were build at the time, the map was made.

  9. UltiPig likes this.
  10. I like the spirally one.
  11. That one was made by d1223m a former mod. He used math functions to plan it :p