So I was on SMP2's live map and as SSRC's Territory has expanded I've wondered about how the dynamics of owning large amount of res's looks like on SMP2. So I incorporated 4 large territories on SMP2 and if I forgot to include some res's I'm sorry. This is a discussion about how the community thinks about this. It's not meant to judge or hurt and people so please don't do it. I just thought it was interesting and kinda cool how some people have developed their own Empires within the Empire. I want you to post pictures of your own Empires you've made on the Empire before Empires comes out.
Wow we have grown HUGE! I also do notice krysyy has all the spawn lots and the lots around the park hmmmm
Wow that is some really nice Pixel Art! and 12 res's isn't bad an no one owns 87 it's split amongst 4 people lol. Also I applaud you in getting a symmetrical district. *applause*
Between SSCR, Alex, and kryssy's little bits of land is what I like to call downtown smp2. I'm grateful that my measly two residences in that picture makes a noticeable appearance on the map =P
Congrats on your empire before empires were a thing! I'm happy with my 4 res's on smp8, and the melon and cactus auto farms on my town roads. Yay free stuff for everyone!
Wow....i forgot I still had the residences around park. They were planned to be this giant community build thing before someone (cough simon cough) refused to give up his spawn plot =P
Kloned, check this link for info.
Well if SSRC and i could clump all our reuses together that would make a 4x4 area thats 32 residents just with us! =P
Yea I totally Forgot, I knew I was gonna make mistakes lol. I just thought it was cool how us a members have made our own Empires within the Empire.