Is copherfield the only one of the four that actually left?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jkjkjk182, Jun 20, 2012.


Is copherfield the only one that left?

Yes. 28 vote(s) 66.7%
No. 14 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. actually we have over 50 members mainly on in EST time. but yes it can sometimes be empty BUT most the time there is a good 7-15 players on :D and it is much much less frustrating easier to manage and as a hole its a better experience (my opinion) but seriously if the DT server was bad I would be playing EMC still but I think it is slightly better and a quality community with people who are ALL nice there has been like 3 greifers and 1 spammer but that's all the problems we have had this past month :D .
  2. By how much of a moron he made of him self yesterday, we all know its more then that...
  3. squizzel, just make sure to visit more often now and again ;)
    i would visit your server but after copherfield called everyone a, what was it... mrlegit let me see your profile pic! ah yes 'submissive sheep', i think that visit wont come for a while ;).
  4. the only thing that could have made that funnier would be to add a voice at the end saying 'about copherfield'.
    serialkicker likes this.
  5. xD
  6. This is the only place I can talk about Copher because all the other threads are locked.
    So I will give you my $0.02 on things.

    Copher was very vain. He said this in his Good bye post "This thread IS going to be long, get prepared." and even made a thread about it. "This thread will be controversial"

    He gave up and left, didn't give EMC pro a second chance. "One comment on the forums"

    He tried to get people on his server, through his thread :(

    And he didn't even mention his origins :(
    I am not sad he is gone. So bye Copher!
  7. It's funny how many people followed that troll to his server...
  8. *sad person who wants to be a troll but failed seeing as he didnt really get that many people to stay with him.
    he really kinda failed as a server owner in my opinion since he resorted to down-voting other servers just so his server could possibly get 1 more player.
  9. How do you know he downvoted? I might be completely missing something posted lol:p
  10. uh... somebody direct him to that one thread where he used his friends account to pretty much try to say that EMC sucks.
    Equinox_Boss and bonzd67 like this.
  11. Oh! I saw that, but didnt read his Berlin-Wall-Of-Text:)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. i think great-wall-of-china-that-was-graffitied-by-fascist-monkies-trying-to-recruit-test-subjects-to-grow-their-server.
  13. I think he has like 6 people. They created a supporter membership with titles: Iron, Gold & Diamond. Wish someone else had thought of that...

    Also, they celebrated their first supporter (which I think is someone who is related to him) so excitedly in the forums.

    Long story short, good riddens. EMC has grown to the size it has with not ONE time going to other servers and trying to steal members. If they're going to copy our format/supporters, they should also copy the format that works to grow. :p
  14. I hate to do this, but...
  15. yeah he left he sorta tried making me leave.. but nope I love the EMC community. ( and the fact he is making his own server that is ALMOST like EmpireMinecraft.... -_____- )
  16. I sincerely enjoyed the thread he posted using a friends name. One key element that this guy seems to miss, regarding Kalland Labs, is... I know where my money is going. I "donate" or "buy from" (etc) a business, which I find to be safer compared to randomly throwing money out there.

    As for his site, the design looks extremely cheesy, at best, and the spelling/grammar is atrocious. It appears to be a site from Deutschland, so I can forgive spelling to a degree. Unless you are trying to take consumers money (or donations.)

    So, again, back to money.... apparently a hot topic. Now, I'm not completely sure, but if this guy is claiming to be a non profit - (aka community vs. business as he so eloquently put it) than he would need to file appropriately with the IRS if he is operating in the U.S. Just as Justin has to pay taxes on any true income from this site. Again, none of a users business, so why would he care.

    I guess, I'm just trying to say...that I really enjoyed that read. When I could understand it, it was quite comical....

    So again, keep up the good work. You will (probably) never hear any complaints from me. Suggestions and ideas, but no complaints.
  17. Also...just by a quick glance at his website... his server is turning out to be everything I hated from every other server out there. People claiming random spots of territory, entirely too many commands (that are completely different from everyone else), unenforceable rules, etc.

    And this little tidbit of information, I found very comical:
    "All your suggestions are up to consideration and discussion, if they are the best for the community (decided by democracy and admin veto) they will be implemented."

    - Quoted directly from his site. Keywords are admin veto. The very thing his preachy forum post sought to abolish.....
    Maxarias and AlexChance like this.
  18. Don't you all understand? He's just a poor misunderstood fellow who just wants to play with his friends.. Who happen to still be playing on EMC, the servers that he hates. (He did say something along those lines in his thread.) :p

    bonzd67 and AlexChance like this.
  19. Basically Copher quit and started his own failing server that I can't even connect to because the EMC community doesn't revolve around him and his Minecraft "democracy."