Is copherfield the only one of the four that actually left?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by jkjkjk182, Jun 20, 2012.


Is copherfield the only one that left?

Yes. 28 vote(s) 66.7%
No. 14 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. Heck, I can't even load the site.
  2. ICC, you should not be responding to that user.

    The thread should be deleted; banned users shouldn't be able to post.

    Don't feed the trolls.
  3. The four?
  4. I went to the site. It loaded up and it reminded me of this site but a different theme and least organizing skills dealing with layout of it. Also the support perks are hmmm weird it remind me pf April fools lol because hide skins lol
  5. Copher has been banned...ages ago. :)
  6. ages? ages? more like era's and eons ago.
    i wonder if copherfield will ever try to take down the site...
    i wonder if that was him who attacked the site a few weeks ago...
    i wonder what his reasoning for this "strategy of getting people on his server" is...
  7. Probabaly not, he didnt seem to know anything about codes
    Trollers follow trolls.
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  8. maybe he used the money from his 1 supporter to hire somebody to do it :p
    bonzd67 and IcecreamCow like this.
  9. Possible, but I tend to think the only thing he knew how to do was cuss, he had a terrible mouth.
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  10. I think he used it to buy some more Troll-Snacks TM
    imBobertRobert and jkjkjk182 like this.
  11. Yeah, he ended his "minecraft career" and he doesn't even know it. :D
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  12. Thats sad. I left about the time copherfield did and he was a great person for a while. Very involved in the community.
  13. Of course he was involved if he tried to get them on his server.
  14. then everything changed when the delta team attacked.

    i dont actually watch avatar i have just seen that too much on the internet :p
    but really he was a good person but he just wants attention. he's like that. POWER is attention. what better way to get power then form a guild? to get the guild to have their own private server and still be connected to EMC? to then separate from emc? think that his 'submissive sheep' would follow?
    that's the copherfield that i know now. i dont think he's very good.
  15. Yea I still remember when he was trying to make the LLO community part of Delta Team and we would have follow rules and etc. we were like what?! LLO is free society we can do anything we want everyone is in the same level lol, after we told him that he kinda got mad at us for not joining delta.
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  16. that would be horrible... i dont remember when delta team formed (i was sick when it was) but when i even thought about joining it was huge, and i didnt want such a large trial to join. glad i didnt.
  17. Same here but the process was just too long and unnecessary complex just to join a team and then have assign a job to do. I was like -_- I want freedom not a job I have that in real life lol. Then have to pay to stay in it hmmm no thanks :)
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  18. Sounds like I missed a chunk of history, when did he go bad?
  19. i forget why he left
  20. I left when he did, but I didnt hear about all this banning stuff?