[Ingress] What is the Niantic Project...

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Aikar, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Yet another reason for me to lament and rail against the lack of cell service in my area :(
  2. I believe they were universe-hopping... they went to the universe in which you own a VW beetle.
    Why, and how, are you all universe-hopping?
  3. you sir, owe me another pair of pants, what you just brought to my attention simply shows me another reason why i need a phone...
  4. I agree, at least it's not a Volvo, ammirite guise? :D
  5. I hit level 3! Dropped a level 3 bomb on a level 1 resonator this morning and it did like 50% damage, I'm starting to feel useful :D
  6. If anyone's got a spare invite code, I'd love you. :3
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. Saturday, I attended my first "big event"! We had like 35 people show up on our team, and some kids made cupcakes!

    We swarmed our state capital painting it a lovely green, and setup like 20 lvl 8 (max) portals... Sadly the smurfs did not play our game and we all sat bored without action :(

    But it was nice to see so many people meet up.

    The kids (was like 6 of them) had a competition for a 6 lb bag of candy.... The "exp" they earned compared to the others gave them that % of the bag of candy!

    The adults had a level up contest too, and I took 2nd place!

    I win a little green "nano lego" frog (the enlighteneds nickname) but got to meet with the event organizer to pick it up sometime this week.

    And then yesterday.... I walked and hacked for about 6 hours straight, putting my foot into alot of pain, but ding!

    And then, to demonstrate my new found power (lv6 is a major point in power as 6 bombs are really powerful compared to 1-5)
    penfoldex likes this.
  8. This reminds me of terminator
  9. Max and I went out last night to get her lv 5 (I'm 7 now! So powerful :D)

    However on our way out.... I noticed our enemies had a very strong portal right at their favorite spot (Where one of them works), owned by a player who has been a jerk to me.

    So we went and hit it, and hit it hard.

    We positioned our selves apart to maximize damage then unleashed hell, and I ran across the street to finish it off with better placed bombs.

    At lv7, I have a pretty decent sized energy bar, but I fully depleted it in less than a minute and had to pop a refiller and burn another good chunk..

    This portal was heavily fortified with many fields based off it, and when I popped it, a nice whopping 6k EXP popped up on my screen :)

    It was wonderful

  10. http://screencloud.net/v/zpiV

    The whole blue area was a giant field where I'm hilighted, all centering on that portal, and we took it out dismantling it all.
    Curundu likes this.