[IMPORTANT] Empire Update: Silence Of The Lambs!

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. ok, thank you

    Is there a specific date/time this "update" will be released?
  2. Thanks Aikar. :D
  3. If my res had the max amount of mobs, and I used a sheep egg, would I get the egg back, or would it just dissapear?
  4. Props to Aikar - I went to my Grinder today to test the mob cap. As it neared the the top end - I watched it go from 199, to 202 (presumably because 3 Mobs spawned at once) MOMENTS LATER! Two of them Despawn bringing the total back down to 200. I am very happy with the results :)
    mba2012 and ZBSDKryten like this.
  5. step 1 limiting is out already.
    step 2 of auto despawning violations, we are giving a 1 week notice so thursday is the end of the week. I cant promise the code to handle that will be done (as i'm trying to focus on fixing the bugs we have) but after thursday it can go live at any time.

    mob despawning based on over cap is not in yet. You likely went over due to fluxations with monsters moving between chunks and the update rate, and some likely left the "area" for counting.
  6. This may have been answered, but what would happen if ou dropped an item, and the enity limit was full? Is it deleted, or just not thrown?
  7. I think this is the most rediculous thing I think the EMC team has come up with so far. I dont agree with this one bit. For some of us who have spent a lot of time creating farms, animal farms, and mob grinders will have some things to say. For me personally I have created 8+ mob grinders a few that have 3 spawners in an area and to have to cut down or change a design that has take multiple days to create is an outrage. And only allowing such minimal about of animals in a "certain area" within town is also a take back. I would suggest next time giving a month or more in advance because now having spent all this time "and money" to support the server just to be controlled by the "government" of EMC is completely against what I believe is fair...
  8. 1 Aikar mentioned that they were going to do this months ago.
    2 200 mobs always get me to level 30.
    3 If you have darkroom spawners, they work!
    4 smaller animal farms means faster breeding and faster wool regeneration.
    5 It isnt a minimal limit. If 30 people are on, and only 3 of their neighbors have 100 animals, that ends up being 9000 animals. This will cause a significant decrease in lag.
    6 Calm down, your world isnt ending.
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  9. I'm sorry but one persons desires can not and will not outweigh the needs and expectations of everyone else.

    Most grinders will not be affected by this. We've been asking for MONTHS now for players to keep less than 200 monsters spawned from grinders. If you've been hoarding over 200 monsters before killing them, you've been ignoring our rules to begin with. Nothing also stops natural spawners. The effeciency could be impacted due to this change, but it will still work. Mojang's 1.3 update in general is the biggest nerf to natural spawn grinders... Not our change.

    Please explain why you think you NEED more than 100 animals?

    We have blasted the warning about this change every 30 minutes non stop. No-one has an excuse for not knowing if they are an active player.

    The non active players will likely not even notice / has their residence reset anyways.

    EMC has always lagged more than other servers, as others get 200+ players with far many more plugins than we have...

    We've finally found a primary reasoning, and its purely due to our "setup" and freedom in letting players have as many animals as they want.

    We have now found the culprit, and we are doing something about it.

    No single players desire to have a massive animal farm is worth griefing our users. Yes, Having 2000 animals is a form of griefing, and we remove them as we find the mass residences.

    We are simply now taking protective measures to avoid animal abuse, and provide all of our players a lag free experience on EMC. If you really need a massive animal farm, I encourage you to do it on single player where your actions are not impacting others gameplay.
  10. Your right its not ending.

    1. A mention isnt time to take action. Nothing is final. But having one week to change things is a short amount of time.
    2. I understand 200 mobs can get you to level 20 but I dont think that you have a mob grinder with 2-3 spawners in the same area that if you let accumulate for 30 mins would get you to 50.
    3. I dont have dark room spawners, so that doesnt effect me.
    4. This is debatable. And talking about farms in general. I have a wheat farm that will create over 200 total entities.
    5. Im not worried about lag. Even when EMC was booming with every server full I rearely noticed a different. Yese for some people with cheaper computers/ not fast e-net then I could understand. But to have almost a year with EMC and have no complaints till now isn't such a bad history...
    6. And you have no right to tell me to calm down. I am calm just like every person who posts. It my option and I am entitled to it. Just because a majority of people have positive feedback does not mean I have too.
  11. The monster limit in the Wild is set to 200. You are supposed to limit your grinder to 100 or fewer mobs anyway in order to allow natural mobs to spawn. All this does is force you to honor that limit. I see no problem with that.
  12. I think I know what it was then - I have a skeleton Spawner at that location ... a couple must have just taken a little extra damage on their fall down...

    I did see a limit on the spawning nonetheless. I didn't mind it - Lets me go afk longer so I don't have to worry about them overpopulating to death lag amounts :p
  13. Or get 5 diamond supporter accounts, claim 20 lots and away you go with your 2000 mobs :)

    But seriously, as a wool farm owner, the only reason you needed 100 of a color was because it took so long for the sheep to regrow their wool. 25 sheep does way more than 100 previously, and the lag isn't all sorted out yet.
    ZBSDKryten, mba2012 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Lol
    1 If they mention they will do it, they will DO IT.
    2 200 can get you to 30, which is all you need. And i dont have a 2-3 grinder. I have a quad. 2 zombie, 2 skeleton. Gets 200 mobs in under 10 mins.
    3 Ok
    4 Item farms are not effected
    5 That doesnt matter if you dont care, other people do.
    6 Freedom of speech. I can say anything i want lol. Go eat a sandwhich. NOW.
  15. I think that is plenty of time personally - I wouldn't want them to push off an update when they could have it out to us sooner.

    You know that leveling up slows down - so that same amount of XP that got you to 30 - could get you more enchantments. And I find that 200 mobs in my grinder will Easily get me an enchantment in no time.

    Be considerate about other players also

    This update does not effect items dropping. While you have your Wheat Farm harvesting - you just won't be able to spawn new animals; but your existing ones will stay put as long as you don't go over 100 in town.

    Sure there are people with less than ideal computers and ISP, but there are a lot of people everyday that complain about lag. They don't always post a thread on the forums, but there for a while it had gotten a bit out of hand.

    I agree with you on this, there is no reason we can't all have a FRIENDLY discussion on this topic. The Staff does read and hear about what we think and sometimes act on it. But almost always they choose the option that will benefit the community as a whole. You can't satisfy everybody.

    I hope this does not become an argument, just having a creative discussion
    ZBSDKryten and mba2012 like this.
  16. To your first comment. Just like everyone else, I am posting my OPINION! Im not expecting a change, just my desire to speak out felt right at the time and still does.

    To your second comment. Who ever said that I let mobs get to 200? I dont but I do have multiple grinders in an area that took time to build. And I can be mistaken the way i read this....

    "To make monster spawning more efficient on our server resources, the spawn behavior has been changed from the default Vanilla behavior. Monsters will only spawn within 4 (64 distance) chunks of a player. Monsters who are more than 5 (80 distance) chunks away from a player will automatically depspawn.

    Monsters will be limited to how many can spawn in a tight spot. Overall server monster limit has been increased to the point it will never be hit. In other words: spawner users will no longer be able to shut down natural spawns on the world.

    We are aware these changes may affect some peoples experience points grinders, but we ask that you please adjust your grinder to accommodate it as it is not fair to other users to have a laggy EMC due to too many mobs loaded, so we have optimized spawning to give everyone a fair dose of monsters but keep server load down."

    To your third comment. You think 100 mobs is a lot. I'm happy I didn't finish my farm because I would have been taken back at how much work had been done to just have it ripped away. currently on my res I have 103. And I though that was a small amount! Im kind of excited that I didnt persue my goal of a grand farm. But it is a set back to have put thought, work, design in something to know it will be now monitored in EMC.

    And to your last longer comment. I agree to those not active wont matter. To those who are active it might. To those who have been donating 20 dollars since they've started to save their creations whether they are active or not is different. I wouldn't have done everything I did with EMC if I would have known that my ability to create what I want would be taken away. I do agree 2000!!!! who has that. But to have 300 I dont think should be a problem. And im talking about animals not all entities. And another thing, im not hear to ruin others game play. Nor do I have any intention. But for some of us who put forth money and time in a game we love to have some aspects of it be restricted is IN MY OPINION wrong.
  17. This has been talked about longer than the start of this "week". I wasn't the least bit surprised about it.
  18. I agree with you. All I wated out of this is for my, just like everyone else, opion to be heard.

    I do know how EMC works, and I do realize how enchanting and minecraft as a whole works. But again level 50 enchants give you grander things than a lvl 30 enchant does.

    By no means do I not consider other people. I dont want nor I care about EMC changing to my OPINION thats what I dont understand about people who get denfensive over it. I dont agree so I say something. Others agree so they say something. Isn't that all politics. ( and yes I said politics, because thats what a community is).

    I agree completely with what EMC is doing. I think there should be a limit. 2000 animals is outrageous and is greifing. but only 100!!! come on EMC you can do better that that.
  19. Thank you for clarifying that for me. I was a bit confused on that part.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.