If you ever decide to make some sort of return, or at least stick around on forums, we as the community will be here! Until then and even going forward, anyway: Take care, Runder.
Awwww Well, I suppose I can understand esp. considering that PvP is something which can really excite you and that isn't really a thing here. Still, you'll be missed Runder... I hope you'll find another place to have some good fun and be sure to pop in every once in a while?
So basically what you're saying, is your EMC activity really isn't going to change much at all? Since atm you pretty much only log on for certain events and are one of our regular forum stalkers. Hmm, you *might* not afk as often now and just not log on, but technically you're not really 'here' when you're afk As long as you acknowledge my forum pms and show up to the events I tell you to, we're good
Well I know we've defintely had our differences, but its still sad to see you go. Well wishes to you. ~Faded.
I feel like since it's October this whole thread you created is the trick on us and everyone's posts are the treat for you.
Well best of luck and it would be great if you are bored from time to time to do a Runder PVP event. I have to tell you that was some of the most fun I've had on EMC. I'm sure you will be sorely missed as an active player and long time player. I hope you'll visit the game and forums on occasion. I'm hopeful you'll vote some to keep your residences as well. You've done a lot to help make EMC what it is today. Hopefully we can continue to keep it going and make a place worth visiting in the future.
Have a good break and we'll see you in the future, should you ever return. I had a feeling this was coming, as your attitude lately has been more and more irritable. It's a good idea to take a step back and enjoy other things from time to time. I'll be sure to post some insane event to get you to come back though =P
AdiĆ³s, Adieu, Addio, Adeus, Aloha, Arrivederci, Ciao, Auf Wiedersehen, Au Revoir, Bon Voyage, Sayonara, Good Bye. Or as I prefer saying, don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Sad to see you go, although we haven't done much together on EMC I remember doing some minigames with you on *another server* which was fun