Ignoramoose and Krysyyjane9191 celebrate 500 days of EMC!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, May 29, 2013.

  1. I bet ICC told you to say that ;)

    Lava walls, yay or nay?
    Which country is least likely to ever get a space program?
    What's your most controversial opinion?
  2. Congratulations Miss. Jane and Mr. Moose. I'm excited to see both of you at the 500th mark for EMC. You 2 are such great friends to me and others on EMC. You are true people who show loyalty.

    Who is your favourite Doctor. Matt Smith or David Tennet
    Who is your best EMC player/players.
    What was your first reaction when you found out you were chose to become a moderator.
    Am i a great friend and loyal to you and Mr. Moose.
    Are you glad im your EMC neighbour.

    I think ill stop with the questions, cause i can go on and on.

  3. I don't know about her - but you keep that music blaring all night - I can hear you across the street :3 (you blasted neighbors :p )


    Happy 500 Krysyy and Moose :)

    Question: What is your next goal of achievement on emc?
    kevdudeman likes this.
  4. Hypothetically if the picture in the OP was in 10x10 pixels, what would you think it was from the jumbled colors?
  5. ~Mine is because of my spam email lol. Go on pretty much any site and if it's the user krysyyjane9191, its probably me.
    ~I love white castle, though moose was playing the computer version for a while and showed me that there was something you could have as your home called the TARDIS. Even skyrim developers know Doctor Who!
    ~Kevdudeman helped me a lot with builds just because he wanted to, as did nickjwolfe. Jrlizard, nickjwolfe, and I have had long mumble convos that brought us pretty close. Also the staff's chat makes me close with the staff as well...
    ~I love the blue one! But i like anything blue...(almost)
    ~Rupee count: 333,699.
  6. good day to be a multiple of 3
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  7. ~When I first made the TARDIS, someone moved next door and made a giant lava box. I hated it cuz it blocked my TARDIS. Lava must be used in moderation.
    ~(Doctor Who related opinion) I DO NOT like River Song... I merely tolerate her. Whereas most people love her to death...
    ~(other than DW) I'm a believer in Darwin. I believe that those not fit to survive should perish so that the human race can evolve past defects in our genetic code and catering to the weak and flawed is hindering our ability to achieve the impossible.
  8. ~David Tennant. Actually, at the moment, he is my favorite actor of this generation.
    ~SO many people ask me this question...look up in notes...and no, I didnt list everyone...
    ~I was like "YAY, now i dont have to constantly text moose to kick people when he is busy at work" lol
    ~Inu, you are a great person to talk to and I have enjoyed seeing you on the server (almost) daily, so YES you area a great friend and very loyal to myself and Mr. Moose.
    ~I'll reserve that judgement until you build something =P
    melk73 likes this.
  9. No idea. I'd have to make the pic in that resolution to see...and since I am relatively blonde (okay, completely), I cant do that myself.
    Creeper655 likes this.
  10. Seriously Caleb. I would invite you, but y u no answer phone!!!!

    Preview (1).jpg
    eklektoi and PandasEatRamen like this.
  11. You're a social Darwinist? This shall certainly make for some good debate :cool:
    How do you define 'defects', 'weak and flawed', 'fit to survive', etc.? Are you saying people who fail to survive and reproduce, the traditional biological definition of fitness, should be allowed to die off? Or is there a cultural definition of fitness you promote?
  12. Huh. Forgot my 500th day was yesterday, too. Weird.
    Do you think I'm annoying?
  13. We can continue a proper debate in a forum message if you would like. Basically I believe that humans and the medical advances of this era are preventing a new generation of humans to emerge and exist. Humans are the first species in history to be able to prevent natural selection (insert biological definition of fitness) from taking place and we are doing it every day. I believe in the long run that it will be our downfall.
  14. Everyone can be annoying sometimes. Depends on my present state of mind...
  15. Current state if mind thought?
  16. Nah, you are not being annoying at the moment. =P
    Inuyasha1204 likes this.
  17. If you listen to music while you play EMC. What would be the genera/artist/song name.
  18. Ignoramoose, i like your shirt lol, i think it should be my shirt haha
    (lucky, Luckypat)
    *du du chhh*
    yea im bad at jokes lol
  19. Almost all country music, though I prefer upbeat country over the sappy slow country.
  20. Do you like llamas?