Ignoramoose and Krysyyjane9191 celebrate 500 days of EMC!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, May 29, 2013.

  1. Would you explode?

    (EDIT: I don't hate you...)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  2. Congrats on 500 days... that's about 1.21 times longer than I've been here!
    Do you guys have differing browsers of choice?
  3. Congratulations!
    Have you ever played Minecraft before you heard of EMC?
  4. Congratulations on 500 days and the new house!

    If you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
    If you could ask your future self (from the year 2050) one question, what would it be?
    Would you rather know a lot about a little, or a little about a lot?

    ps. Love the pic of the two of you :)
  6. i got a game for you :3
    its awsome but is nothing like minecraft :3
    http://mabinogi.nexon.net/ heres a link :D
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  7. :D

    What is your favorite thing to do on sunday?
  8. If you want to enjoy it, start from the first episode of the new series that came out in 2005 but reserve judgement for 5 episodes. It was kinda slow at first. Then, when you get to the tenth doctor, you will be an obsessed fan like me. Watch until the episode "The Name of the Doctor". THEN go back and watch the very old episodes from 1963-1989 and laugh at how far special effects have come.
  9. I havent been mining in a very long time, but I might consider a giant mining trip. I seem to get called back to town when drama happens though so dont be surprised if the trip is interrupted 5 minutes in.

    If i had 8 apples, I'd make my friend make them into caramel apples. He works at a chocolate company and they make caramel apples as well....as for mass of the sun, wiki says "about 2×1030 kilograms". Moose is the physics minded one so I'm sure he can give a better answer than that.
  10. Would I...
    If I was going about my normal day? No, probably not.
    If I ate a bomb unknowingly? Yeah, i'd say it's probable.
    If Doctor Who doesnt come back soon? I'll implode...
  11. Moose made fun of me when we started dating because I was using pretty much anything to get by, including Internet Explorer. Then, I switched to Firefox, which is my default, but I use chrome if Firefox is being difficult.

    Moose uses chrome.
    SpaceShuttleFan likes this.
  12. Nope...EMC was my start to the world of minecraft as well...
    jay2a and PenguinDJ like this.
  13. ~I would eat a Texas Roadhouse salad with crispy chicken on top. Amazing dish...
    ~Shouldn't you be AVOIDING talking to me so the universe doesn't disintegrate? And if they answered that they fixed that, then I'd ask them who becomes the 12th doctor...
    ~A little about a lot definitely

    Thanks! That was this past March over spring break.
    5weety likes this.
  14. I like to go to garage sales/estate sales if I can find any nearby. I love old books and they have the best. Then I come home and play minecraft. If it's summer, I might go to my dad's house and hang out on the lake for a while.

    Moose likes to veg out and play minecraft cuz he doesnt get much time during the week.
  15. 500 days?
    Ewwwwwwww! Your OLD!

    I could just IMAGINE that XD
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  16. Do you like tomatoes?

    Congrats on 500 days!
  17. Since i didn't ask a question....
    WHAT do you find interesting about Doctor Who and WHY?
  18. I do. I love them on burgers, in my guacamole, on tacos, in salads...

    This question will have to wait to be answered until I post something I've been working on.
    "Krysyy's episode guide to doctor who"...I'm up to 3 pages now so it's gonna be a LONG answer.
    penfoldex and BobTheTomato9798 like this.
  19. congratulations krysyy.... im trying to decide whether it was fate or pure-luck that you happened to stumble on this wonderful collection of servers..... btw ignoramoose: do you play Starcraft II?
  20. Gratz on 500 days too!!! :D Just passed mine.

    Where/ how did you think up your MC name?
    Favourite skyrim build/ play style?
    Best/ closest EMC friend? (Obviously not Ignoramoose)
    Do you like the blue or green sonic screwdriver better?
    Whats your current rupee count?

    (David Tennant FTW!!)