I finally released my FIRST SONG FOR MY BAND!

Discussion in 'The Jukebox' started by ShyguytheGamer1, Dec 19, 2020.

  1. So I haven't posted in forums in what feels like ages. Besides that, I finally released my first cover song. After years of teasing, saying I'm going to release something with my voice, I did.


    I did Lua by Bright Eyes because it's just such a nice little song that's minimal enough for me to play at a family party. The mix is noisy, just to show how intimate the song is, and the vocals are really raw and fully unedited.

    I'm really proud of this song. I actually sound great in it and I can listen back to it and not get sick of it.

    If you like it and want to hear more, please subscribe to my band pages. I will, eventually, release an EP of cover songs, including a more updated, completed version of this song.

    Thanks for being there,
    Dakota Watson.
  2. There's no vocal editing? I really feel like I hear a bit of reverb on it. :p
    Great performance!
  3. Vocal editing in terms of auto-tune/pitch correction and timing. There's the basic compression, EQ and reverb on it, but nothing more, really.
  4. I should ask, is auto-tune something all musicians use nowadays, or do some have so much talent that it's not something they bother using? (Like back before computers were used to process music?)

    Either way, nice job man! The usage of compression felt like it was used well! :D
    607 likes this.
  5. Nice hair... the cover also sounds great. Keep it up! :)
  6. Auto-tune is typically used everywhere nowadays, but some genres use it more than others. Some musicians like Billie Eilish sometimes do multiple takes and stitch them together without the use of auto-tune. Although she still does use auto-tune to get a specific effect for the song. You still need musical talent to be a singer/rapper, but it takes less work to sound talented than to be talented. So in my case, I use pitch correction in Melodyne, because I'm usually on point with my singing and timing, so I use it for touching up a lot more than heavy handed autotuning.

    Also, thanks! That's one thing I'm good at, is use of compression. I nailed that down decently enough. Thank you Audio Production classes.
    Seriously, everyone comments on the hair. I keep it up in a bun, just so it's out of my face, but the moment I put it down and to the side, everyone flips out.

    Also, thanks! I do my best. Hopefully some heavier stuff will be out by the start of next year. The EP is coming out, cross my fingers I promise.
    DaybreakerMC and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  7. Ah, okay. I did think you used compression and an equalizer as well. I think I get what you mean now. Although it seems hard to put it into words, so it's understandable that you went for the confusing description. :p
    Um... it doesn't look like Joy did, and I definitely didn't.
  8. Ah, but your eyes deceive you! As UltiPig commented on my hair.
    DaybreakerMC and UltiPig like this.
  9. So what? Ulti is Joy nor me.
    I guess this isn't relevant to the thread, though. :p Is it right that the band consists only of you?
  10. It doesn't matter that the band consist of only me. It's isn't exactly a solo project either because I have other collaborators helping me out and such. I call it a band because saying "band" is easier than saying "musical project that only has one member".
  11. I think it matters for some things, but I agree that it's not that significant when considering the music; that's why I saved the question for later. Thanks for explaining.
    Does that mean you've released songs before?
  12. Not exactly. I've never released a full front to back cover song before. But I've release little tidbits of things I've noodled and recorded. This is my first foray into actually releasing full songs.
    607 likes this.