[Hype] Rainbow Swirl

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by SteamingFire, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. It's open! Please see this thread:

    Related polls:
    Least populated smp? https://empireminecraft.com/threads/least-populated-smp.84429/
    Pets or villager trading? https://empireminecraft.com/threads/poll-pets-or-villager-trading.84438/

    It's coming, folks!
    Many of you know that I have two hotels, Hotel Hourglass (smp8 /v +hourglass) and TreeHouse Apartment (utopia /v +treehouse). Both are full. So, I decided to make a third hotel on the least populated SMP to bring life to it!
    Based on my Least Populated SMP forum poll survey, people go on smp4 the least. So I will build my next hotel on smp4 and maybe people will have a reason to visit!

    What hotel, you ask?
    It's not a traditional swirl that comes up when you Google "rainbow swirl". Rather, think of a vertical slinky. Now think of it doing the ferret dance, you know, shaking its body side to side and twisting a bit. It'll look like that.
    There will be 8 colors (red, orange, yellow, lime, light blue, blue, purple, magenta). There will be 3 floors per color, making for a total of 24 floors. Each floor can be rented as a whole floor, or can be split between floormates if you wish.

    The cost?
    A whole floor will be 10k yearly.
    Wait, per year?
    But aren't I quitting in 4 months?
    Well, if I quit, you get permanent stay with no pay! I can't enforce payments if I'm not here!
    Hotel Hourglass and TreeHouse Apartment are both one-time payment, permanent stay hotels anyway :D The only reason for Rainbow Swirl to have yearly payments is to keep it somewhat active without punishing people for leaving for a few months. Note: I have Permanent Derelict Protection, so even if I quit, the hotels and your rooms remain.

    But what will keep people active? Sure, a new hotel is nice and draws attention the first few weeks, but after that, people float away.
    Hotel Hourglass has free food and 1r books. TreeHouse Apartment has free board games, race tracks, and other recreation. Rainbow Swirl will have free services such as anvils, enchanting tables, crop farms, a honey farm, a wool farm, and villager trading.

    Help me out, guys! What amenities do YOU want? Do you want villager trading (farmers?) instead of pets? What else would you like? What would you use? What needs to be on smp4 to get the people flowing again? Comment below!

    Edit: People have started to reserve rooms.

    Orange 3: FloshPlosh
    - Paid for 1 year
    Yellow 1: CrackpotCreator
    Lime 3: YellowWasTaken and fighter_Ethan
    - fighter_Ethan paid for 1 year
    Light Blue 3: LeGravity38
    - Paid for 2 years
    Light Blue 2: DrasLeona247
    - Paid for 2 years
    Light Blue 1: RGBisPower
    - Paid for 1 year
    Blue 3: DiamondGamerGurl
    Purple 3: jaqque
    - Paid for 3 years
    Magenta 3: KAROLkarol12

    Random Rules in Random Order
    1. I will notify you 1 month in advance about your rent.
    2. If you miss your deadline, you will have 1 more month to pay it. After that, you get the boot and your items go to the item pick-up room.
    3. If you do not pick up your items from the item pick-up room after 6 months, they will no longer be kept for you.
    4. You cannot break the floor, walls, or ceiling. However, I provide free window installations and up to 9 stacks of matching colored glass. Please contact me if you want to install windows. Do NOT install them yourself please! For each wall block that is missing, misplaced, not in the original pattern, or placed outside of the original walls, you will be charged 100r.
    5. No refunds. Once you pay for a room, it is your room for the entire year. You may choose to leave early but you will not be refunded. Exception is if you pay early, before the hotel is built.
    6. No griefing, no stealing, no harassing other residents, and no inappropriate builds. Any of these will result in a warning or a ban from the hotel res and you will not get any of your items in your room back.
    7. You may have floormates and split rent, but as you will share admin perms within the same subzone, it is your responsibility to pick floormates that you trust.
    8. If you are banned from EMC, you will be kicked out of your hotel room without getting your items back.
    9. If you want to place water or lava, there must be at least one block below it so that it does not drip into the resident's room below you. Exception includes those who have a double-layered floor, i.e. the bottom/first room of every color.
    10. Only one room per person.
    11. You are allowed to move rooms, but each move costs 100r that will double with each additional move. This is not refundable.
    12. Rooms are first-come, first-served.
    13. I will reserve your room without payment for one month. If you do not update me after one month, your reservation will be nullified.
    14. Do not add, change, or delete tags or locs in your subzone. You may change the subzone tpset, but it cannot be inside a trap.
    15. One pet allowed per resident.
    16. If I quit, no one has to pay rent. But if I come back and your rent has expired, you will have 3 more months after I return to pay your rent. In this case, your new yearly payment deadline will change to the end of those 3 months, even if you pay earlier (yay, free days!). If your rent did not expire yet, you will get 3 free months added to your rent deadline.
    17. You may only build within your walls, not outside of them. You may not expand your walls, despite how your cube subzone does give you perms to do so.
    18. You may not break or modify the water elevator or the glass bridges leading to it. You must keep the elevator tp signs in place.
    19. If you have roommates and one or more roommate doesn't pay rent, your rent may go up to cover the missing portion of the room's rent if the non-payer gets kicked out.

    List of Amenities

    Anvils - teleport to /v +anvil
    Enchanting tables - teleport to KaliaLlama's Public Service Res
    Utilities - teleport to KaliaLlama's Public Service Res
    Villager Trading - teleport to KaliaLlama's Public Service Res
    Fishing - teleport to KaliaLlama's Public Service Res
    Wool farm - teleport to KaliaLlama's Public Service Res
    Crop farms - was told that they're useless and I shouldn't bother
    Honey farm
    Ice cream shop for 500r each, 20 types of ice cream
    Best hamburgers of any SMP - /v +hamburger

    Note to self: Add a concrete rainbow on top of one layer of white wool that can be seen with /map. Ground should be white wool in the shape of a cloud, complete with sandstone to make the edges look like part of the road. White wool lobby.
    Water elevator as close to the swirl as possible, with colored glass around the water but clear glass tunnels.
    Clouds go through Light Blue 1.
  2. If I pay the yearly or one time fee will I get building privilege's so I can work on my room.
    607 likes this.
  3. Yes. As long as you pay for your room, you will get +admin perms for the subzone that includes your room.
    607 likes this.
  4. Count me in, feel free to message me on here when there is a room available.
    607 likes this.
  5. I guess you meant when there is a Rainbow Swirl room available? You can reserve a room; people have started to do that already. Just pick a color (not black, brown, white, or gray), and pick top, bottom, or middle (each color section will have 3 floors).
    607 likes this.
  6. The poll for the least populated SMP now has smp4 as the highest xD i had already picked out a res on smp3 that was next to a wool farm. Let's see if i can find an smp4 res that's next to a wool farm.
  7. I'm not sure how to connect the rooms... water elevator in the middle? Water elevator off to the side, but it won't be hugging the walls of most rooms because of the swirl design? Ladders up every floor at a different spot in each room so that it hugs the wall of each floor? No connection, just lobby teleports? ._. HMM...
    I think I like the ladders the best. Takes up the least space. There will be lobby teleports to each floor, anyway. The ladders will look a little old school and out of place amidst all of the concrete, though. Whachu guys think?
    607 likes this.
  8. I was told that crop farms are useless and that I shouldn't bother. Do you agree?
  9. I wanted to make all rooms 1 block bigger vertically but re-calculated it and realized that there isn't enough vertical space :/ sorry guys. Rooms will only be 5 spaces high. It feels semi-cramped but it's not too bad. Alternatively, I could remove the upper white floors to accommodate 6-space-high rooms. What do you guys think? 6-space-high rooms or white rooms on top?

    Edit: I'm going to get rid of the white rooms so that all of the other rooms can be bigger. Who needs white in a rainbow?
    I will make the ground look like a cloud and the top will have one layer of white wool plus a rainbow on top of it for /map, so there will be enough white in the build :p

  10. The beginnings of the swirl. Colors magenta and purple done :D
  11. I may consider providing free colored glass to all residents as well as free window installation. Though the "free window installation" is actually an excuse to edit a rule so that residents cannot break or edit the walls >_> I'm scared that people will mess up the pattern if I let them break the walls.
    Edit: I'm doing it.
  12. When you realize that ground floor is Y 64, not Y 0, so you have to redesign the building.
    To accommodate the vertical loss, I deleted 3 colors, pink, cyan, and green. The other colors are more vibrant so I hope that it was the right choice.
    UltiPig likes this.

  13. It's half done!
    3 floors of magenta, purple, blue, and light blue each fully complete!
    Just lime, yellow, orange, and red left to do! :D
    farmerguyson and 607 like this.
  14. this is actually an amazing idea...love it!
    farmerguyson and 607 like this.

  15. What my Rainbow Swirl schematic looks like LOL. There were a lot of edits, not everything is written down, and I cross out things when I'm done with them. So yes, I finished the Lime floors. Yellow is next :)
    607, farmerguyson and UltiPig like this.
  16. This 200-block-high water elevator is killing me.
    But I should be able to finish everything within a week! Heads up, people--Rainbow Swirl will officially open next Tuesday--or sooner! Put in your reservations now! Payments are not required until move-in day. Please see the original post for more information.
    Edit: A new thread that properly advertises and explains Rainbow Swirl will be made when it's officially open. I'll post it within this thread, preferably without bumping it (editing a previous comment).
    607 likes this.
  17. I'm going to start letting those who reserved a room move in, starting from the bottommost floor. Everything is done except the top 3 colors and some decoration, so some people can reasonably move in now. This is so there isn't a flood of people on opening day. Hard to deal with a flood :p I'll contact people individually, one at a time.
  18. Just need to do the orange and red floors and put a rainbow on top for /map now. After that, gotta make the official forum thread, and then we'll open :D
    My arm is sore from my covid shot though xD gonna be painful to build today.
    607 and jaqque like this.
  19. I got second dose yesterday. I'm right there with y0u.