How many alt's do you got?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Aug 23, 2015.


How many alt's do you have?

Poll closed Oct 4, 2015.
0 12 vote(s) 14.8%
1 16 vote(s) 19.8%
2 - 5 29 vote(s) 35.8%
5+ 10 vote(s) 12.3%
What is an alt? 2 vote(s) 2.5%
Other 2 vote(s) 2.5%
smp8! 10 vote(s) 12.3%
  1. Oh yeah Penguin is an alt too. Make that 3 alts total, not two.
    ShelLuser and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. eviltoade is my alt, which is Hashhogs alt, which is Penguins alt which is eviltoades alt.
  3. My accounts consist of the following:

    cadenman2002 (changed to CadenMann)
    cadenwoman2002 (changed to Firefloor)
    Ayyyyyyyyy (changed to CreatureCapture)
    HorseManEwwEr (changed to something that I'll change again, as I had a change of mind. ;))

    I also have four other accounts that I have access to, however I rarely use them on EMC.

    Also, I'm hashhog.
  4. I had 2 alts that were given to me, but one original owner migrated the account and the other's name I forgot >.>
    And hashhog3000.
    Gawadrolt and PenguinDJ like this.
  5. oh, you know, I have a few.... :oops:
    Gawadrolt, ShelLuser, 607 and 3 others like this.
  6. I have Calamochnus and TheApostrophe, of course, and apparently the other 300,000 members of the server.
  7. You seem to have forgotten about me.
    ShelLuser and eviltoade like this.
  8. I have a few: ahshohg0300, AnReNonurnts, and MelonMan1053.
    ShelLuser, 607 and eviltoade like this.
  9. know my colored ones I'd say.
    Then I have just a few (or more) others :p
    Zikko, ShelLuser, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  10. Actually, I have no idea who any of your colored ones are except krysyyjane9191 and krissyjane... by name, at least. :p

    EDIT: Ah, there we go. I found ignorajane and DoctorWho63 by random guessing while you were typing, but the others I hadn't gotten yet. :p
  11. KrisJR91 - light purple
    DoctorWho63 - dark purple
    RedDragonLady - red
    RoseyBelle - orange
    ignorajane - yelllow
    krissyjane - green
    krysyyjane9191 - light blue (default and soon to be Krysyy)
  12. Hrmm so how come your light blue head doesn't show the new name like others who have changed their name? Are they specially renamed?
    ShelLuser and hashhog3000 like this.
  13. Might have something to do with one of my non-Empire alts (since I can't log it in yet) and how that head was spawned in =P
    i.e. krysyyjane9191 is not an available name through Mojang =P
    ShelLuser, ThaKloned and hashhog3000 like this.
  14. *Imagines Hash winning the lotto over 4 years ago, and promptly purchases 350,000 minecraft accounts. Creates a server (EMC) just so he can log in with a bunch of accounts all at once to convince people they are playing with more than one person. Which in fact, they are not. :cool:

    *and I only use one alt
  15. I have never read such a beautiful paragraph in my entire life.
    BlinkyBinky, eviltoade and ShelLuser like this.
  16. I have acquired a head that says "Kryssy" on it.

    Also, was anyone able to figure out my three scrambled alts?
  17. Awh it was good fun making fun of myself :D
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  18. What color was it? Krysyy dropped some at the taco party and I managed to snag one. Unless the one she dropped there was different, I'm sure it shows the full name.
    Galantisizer and cadenman2002 like this.
  19. That's a light blue Krysyy head, her primary account. Heads will show the new name, which is why it doesn't show Krysyyjane9191.
    Galantisizer and ThaKloned like this.
  20. 0 alts #hardpath
    Gawadrolt likes this.