How are you, EMC?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Unhappy.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. But I'm almost finished D:
    Equinox_Boss and technologygeek like this.
  3. I cut my finger last night, so now it's really hard to type :l
    Ever worse, it was my left hand...
    My WASD hand...
  4. Dude you can't wasd anymore.
    supereskimo, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  5. Thank goodness for the "controls" button.
    My right hand will be doing quite a bit of micromanaging.
    607 and jacob5089 like this.
  6. Life's been rough for me: Mono, School, Grades, Trying so hard not to fail, Trying to catch up, People, etc. It hasn't been a good year, its been a terrible year for me. Hopefully next year will be better:(. Hope you guys are having a great year! :)
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  7. Feel better :)
    That's a shame :/ Best of luck for the rest of the year though, we're still only 1/4 of the way through it :)
    Equinox_Boss and PandasEatRamen like this.
  8. I'm trying to figure out why i'm so introverted and socially awkward. It's got to the point where I can't talk unless i'm with my friends/family to people ._.

    Edit: I forgot my slipping grades and choosing my GCSE options, which my school kindly pointed out for me at the end of it; I HAVE NO CONTROL OVER IT ANYWAY.
  9. Lets not forgot about this amazing thread.. :D
    AlexChance and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. Tired and Frustrated. But also alive, so I guess that's good.:)
    AlexChance and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. I saw Frozen in 3D yesterday. Doing pretty good.
  12. i have exams coming up soon, and my prom on Thursday :D
  13. Back working away and preparing for exams, but overall great :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Le Cow: I saw Frozen in 3D yesterday. Doing pretty good.

    Le Me: The cow watched frozen. Ok.
    Le Me 10 seconds later: THE WORLD IS ENDING RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. #slowkinggamer is rests or derped out.... Livestream... 24th
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Where? :eek:
  17. ISMOOCH's house.
    607 and technologygeek like this.
  18. I have had projects in 5 different classes as of this past week, took out two of them on friday!