[Hiring] Miners (~8k/hr)

Discussion in 'Player Jobs Available' started by azoundria, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. That is true.
    Meh, I use silkie most of the time. doesn't bother me, either way. May pass back the fortune pick- granted, I added mending to it by this point (because I got tired of running it down)- because the last run, I wanted to silk more than fort because fort fills my inv a lot faster. Sure, there are dry runs where it don't matter, and there are those random almost finished tunnels in which I only got 30 blocks in before done -.-. (boy I get angry at those)
    do as you wish, i just threw my penny into the well.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  2. The advantage of mining cobble over stone is that it wears down a cheaper pickaxe and you can get the XP from the smelting, which if the ovens are used properly, only takes the time to reload the ovens (~3 seconds). This XP can be used to craft new pickaxes, or repair pickaxes that are mending enchanted. Each stack of cobblestone that is smelted is roughly equivalent to an XP bottle on average (6.4xp versus average 7xp). When mining stone, that XP is forfeit.

    The advantage of using fortune over silk is that you earn more money and also get XP. This is because ores are largely useless until they are broken down later, so by breaking them as you mine, you are performing a more efficient process overall. Coal and redstone can be converted to block form, which takes up less space than ores and generates the maximum return. A crafting table is easy to craft from planks if you run out of space while you mine. You can also use a shulker box to increase your carrying capacity while mining. However, I assume the core problem is that you are running out of inventory space using the new poking method. If that's the case, I think the better solution is a wing of the mines with halls that are closer together.

    My understanding is that mending requires XP to repair the pickaxe. Using silk, I don't see how you'd possibly generate enough XP to repair the pickaxe as you mine. For me, the equation is even more in favour of XP, since in addition to enchanting new pickaxes for myself, I need to enchant them for new miners and any additional can also be sold on the open market at my shops.

    I appreciate the suggestion of the automated smelter. My understanding is that:
    1. It's mainly used for cobblestone. Iron ore and gold ore are better to smelt by hand, since there is a substantial amount of XP to be gained from doing so. Due to iron and gold farms, the price of each is generally the same or less in smelted form.
    2. While I understand that market prices are on average 1k-1.5k higher for a DC of stone over cobblestone, this requires using 7 stacks of coal, which has a market price of 1.4-1.7k. Using lava may be slightly cheaper, particularly if it can be worked with using the full 100 units of smelting power, but now you need to load and unload the buckets. Basically, I can't see how any profit is made here.
    3. The smelter and specially an item sorter would require a substantial effort to build, and at least a minimal effort to put in fuel and deal with potential jams that might happen or improve the design. Even if I assign a very modest value to my time, this represents a very large upfront cost, and there is a substantial risk that the system may not even achieve break-even.
    4. The alternative of using the ovens already in the mine provides the benefits of collecting all the XP, in exchange for only taking a couple seconds to load the ovens.
    5. As I stated, there is an accountability benefit to having the materials all left in the minecarts. This translates to being able to pay higher prices to miners.
    6. Construction of this smelter doesn't change or increase the value of the cobblestone in any way. Given that I'm the one investing all the time and energy to convert the cobblestone to stone, I would still be paying roughly the same price for the cobblestone as presently.
    There are some players who have nice businesses with automated smelters, particularly in the area of converting sand to glass. Cobblestone represents a limited portion of the mining revenue and so I think it makes the most sense just to sell the cobblestone to the market and let someone else who already has the setup take whatever profit margin exists.
  3. I always use silk in the mine. I also buy picks at generally fair market value and just jump smps and sit at a gold farm for like 15 minutes and spend the xp to repair my picks with diamonds. And just replace the picks after I get like ten of them to where it costs more than 30 levels to repair... definitely not the most "isk-efficient" but definitely a lot less of a pain in the butt.

    Once you get about 3/4 the way using the poke method you could run out of space but one shulker box or keeping an ender chest on you would save you that problem.
  4. So it sounds like if we build the west wing for poke-mining, it should be better off being spaced with halls every 200 blocks. You may have to have one less inventory spot filled to use it.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. If you built a wing for just poke mining I would space the tunnels 10 apart instead of 5 apart. I don't have any problem using the mine the way it is though "looks at number of reports submitted by me" ;)
  6. I am currently working on the mine. I got a bunch of nether rack mined out to make way for nether side portals. I am putting up a portal and station in the 15000 hall at -11725 and will put a station in the 15250 and 15500 halls at -11725 as well and get the stations stocked and ready to go with everything but probably enchantment tables. atm I am mining obsidian... the most boring part of this project. If anyone wants to jump on and help I will be on smp1 until about 8:45pm tonight. If you get on and I am not on smp1 I might have stepped outside for 10-15 minutes and should be back shortly. I will be leaving around 4:30 for an hour for dinner though. Any help is greatly appreciated :D Whether you are mining obsidian, expanding the hallways or laying minerails for the stations. If you are placing blocks for stations or laying rail track please first do "/noprotectmode on" to make it easier to make adjustments if something isn't right.

    Edit: 4pm the 15000 hall has stations all the way to -11725 now and the -11725 station has everything but food, enchantment table and an anvil. the like 4 stations before that don't have portals or anything stocked in the chests. I hit a snag in the 15250 hallway with expanding the minerail... which really sucks because the 15000 hall is mostly ready to go and the 15500 hallway would probably be done tonight as well opening up a lot of space if the 15250 hall had a minerail.
  7. Alright, the 15250 hall has minerails. the last station has a portal. Tomorrow I am going to put a portal in the last station in the 15500 hallway and extend that minerail as well. Hopefully thursday I will have some obsidian to start putting portals in the rest of the stations and actually have actual stations instead of just a minecart chute. by the end of the week there should be TONS of space to mine.
  8. I wasn't able to get on earlier to work on the mine but I will be working on 15500 hallway for the next 3 hours if anyone wants to jump on and help :D
  9. alright, I should be able to get a lot done in the mines today. I am planning on filling in all the areas where I don't have any stations in the halls that I already worked on. Going to be stocking a lot of wood and food today so you don't have to run to stations looking for stuff. If azoundria gets me some iron then I will be stocking stations with iron as well(for carts) so you don't have to dip into your loot to send a cart back.

    If I get to a point where I am satisfied with where the stations are at I might end up mining some to submit reports of my own since Kong, Decoy and Sydney want to give me a run for my money, in regards to keeping my number one spot on the highscores hehe.

    As always! If anyone wants to jump on and help me out it would be greatly appreciated. You never understand how much goes into building this mine until you get your hands dirty and do some of the work yourself. :D
  10. Miner application
    Username: Chogan131
    Days on EMC: 887 with a long break
    Primary SMP: 2

    silk, mending, effV, fortune, unbreaking (not all on the same pick. ;-))
    Armor: all fire res IV

    What mod do we use to speed up mining? autoswitch
    What are the 3 Ls for passages above? lavafree, lighting, level
    What is the deposit to start mining and what does it cover? 14k deposit
    How many blocks between each hall with chests? 250 blocks
    What do you do with mined goods? send in minecart, write report
    What do y ou have to worry about when filling in holes after mining ores? unimpeded movement, no mobs spawning, prevent pitfalls

    What ores can you repsect to find in a mine? Iron, Gold, Coal, Diamond, Redstone, (Emeralds), lapis
    How can you quickly neutralize a pool of lava? H2O
    What should you do if you fall into a pool of lava? you shouldn't. and if you do, depending on Armor swim out or drink Potion of fire resistance or if you don't have any use Alt F4 and rescue yourself with an Alt or have a friend come rescue you.
    if you don't have anything rescueworthy on yourself die.
    What should you do in a situation where you are swarmed with mobs and almost dead? cobblewall and heal up or Alt F4 and relog after Mobs despawn.
    What should be done before mining diamonds? clear all the space around them to prevent them from falling in lava, use silk or fortune III pick
    should you ever mine the block below / above you? not if you don't have to.

    timezone: +1, Germany
    Sydney4363 and Gawadrolt like this.
  11. Miner Application
    Username: LeaderZenius
    Days On EMC: 828
    Primary SMP: SMP5

    Diamond Pickaxe
    Diamond Chestplate, Diamond Leggings(No enchantments)

    What mod do we use to speed up mining?
    What are the 3 Ls for passages above?
    Level, lit, and lava free
    What is the deposit to start mining and what does it cover?
    How many blocks between each hall with chests?
    every 250 blocks
    What do you do with mined goods?
    I put the goods in a minecart and send it away
    What do you have to worry about when filling in holes after mining ores?
    Light the dug area up, watch out for flowing lava and/or water sources.

    What ores can you expect to find in a mine?
    Iron, Diamonds, Gold, Redstone, Lapis, Emerald, Coal
    How can you quickly neutralize a pool of lava?
    Put down water using a bucket of water.
    What can you do to quickly mine through the top layer of obsidian?
    Use efficiency pickaxe
    What should you do if you fall into a pool of lava?
    Drink fire resistance potion
    What should you do in a situation where you are swarmed with mobs and almost dead?
    Surround yourself with blocks; if there's no room, you place down a bucket a water to flush the mobs away.
    What should be done before mining diamonds?
    Check the surrounding area for other diamonds or lava.
    Should you ever mine the block above/below you?
    No, you may mine a block above you only for emergency purposes to escape a cave if you have no path back.

    What is the nearest major city to you? (Or what is your IANA timezone from this
    Central Time( My nearest biggest city is Little Rock, AR.
    When are you available for training? (Give a few possible times.)
    Mon- Fri = 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM, Weekends = 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    How often do you expect to be mining each week?
    2 hours per day.
    Do you any specific financial goal?
    100,000 rupees, to afford SSS fee to move my res from SMP5 to SMP1.
    Is there anything you hope to get out of using the mine specifically?
    Some more experience, To afford enough for Senior Staff Services to move my Res from SMP1 to SMP5. Maybe buying more items for more projects or affording Supporter Vouchers.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  12. Thanks again for both of your applications!

    While I have a moment, I want to make sure the process is clear if there is too much stuff to fit in one cart. It's very simple - just send two carts and two reports. Or, if you're over by a stack or two, keep a few things and include them in your next report. The general principle is that carts should match reports whenever possible!

    I just finished sorting out a massive haul which was two carts submitted in one report. The first half of it came through on February 7th, and I just tonight (March 25th) found the other half of it, as part of a giant "cart monster" that has so far contained at least 20 carts. It's a good thing I kept the items aside and meticulous notes or this would have been almost impossible to sort out.

    Thanks again to everyone for all your hard work mining!
    purplebook163 and Gawadrolt like this.
  13. I had a run that was over 8k!!! the other day. I am thinking this is maybe outdated info now :D
  14. It looks like we are going to blow that total mining in one week record... out of the water ;)

    I got to mine with sydney a few times the past couple of days and today I got to meet sadie and kong in the mines :D It's always nice to have company. Welcome to the new people :D
  15. I'm on when I can be and PWU's not bugging me to help with something or someone hasn't griefed something (again).
    Lately I've been behind cause of school and wifi...
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  16. You don't have to be the top miner! I appreciate everyone, even if they can only spend 15 minutes to mine once a week. You're still a super valuable part of the team!

    But seriously, this week is already the second highest rupees mined in a week! That's super exciting, and there's still lots of time yet to mine this week!
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  17. I think I might spend all of tonight and tomorrow mining so that I can (possibly) still get 2nd.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  18. Good luck cause Gawadrolt wants the top spot. i'm just pushing as far as I can XD
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  19. Why does he have to worry about Gawadrolt? Kong is fighting for it lol.
  20. Kong and you, then, you two competitive peoples.
    Gawadrolt likes this.