Heyo everyone here's Rumeysa_10!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Rumeysa_10, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. I knew it, you always do this. Gonna have to start hiding things, so your sneaky hands can't get everything. (if you haven't noticed already i am very random, that is your explanation)
  2. (Image that didn't paste right)
  3. Welcome to the Empire Rumey. Enjoy your stay. :)
  4. This is just us smp2 folk trying to blend in with smp8's fun stuff.

    And well, it might also help the OP to prepare for the inevitable ;)
  5. Welcome to EMC! I hope you have a great time, and feel free to ask anything you need help with :)
    I live on SMP6, so I'll be sure to say hi if I ever see you around :D
  6. I know smp8 really does do a lot of fun stuff and that is the key to the universe...

    EDIT: Did I really just put that? ^^
  7. Welcome to the Empire! :)
  8. There are much more than 3-5 Dutch people here :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  9. Aah, then there's still hope :)
    607 likes this.
  10. Okay, now this thread is who speaks Dutch... :eek:
  11. Is that a problem? ;)