Hey EMC,

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by finch_rocks_1, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. First of all amazing thread and my heart go's out to a lot of people since i can relate to a lot of the things that have been written. You are young still Finch and i pray that you find your place in this world even if it is online and EMC. I believe we are not born to suffer all our lives and hardships will always be there, but i am sure and pray that many wonderful good things come your way and to all those good people in the EMC community.

    Since i have been here i have met some interesting people to say the least, but mostly great individuals that care and are willing to help and lend a hand whenever needed. Only been here for about 6 days, but love it so far and i think i will stay here hopefully for years to come.

    You can bet that if you ever need a helping hand or anything at all really and it is within my power to help you i will. So cheers bud, chin up, look forward with a smile and keep walking. Life rewards those who stick to their convictions and have the will to keep walking the path that opens for us.
    clan23, ChickenDice and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  2. School was fine for me. It sucks to see other students in different school being bullied. I maybe was bullied, but did not care for it and put it aside. But, anyways, just ignore the insults. Physical bullying can be stopped (Defend yourself or run). There are also other ways to deal with bullying, consult your parents/school facility. If that does not work and the bullying still continues, convince your parents to move to a different school.

    (Going off into a weird tangent now...)

    My life in elementary school was weird, I was slightly bullied, but later became friends with the bullies. ( It was weird >.>) Then in middle school, I think was not bullied. Freshman year of high school was fine, but it took a couple of weeks to start to find friends. The next two years were fine. As of now I'm moving on to become a senior...

  3. Well it seems some people have been bullied and came to emc for a safe place to hang out.

    I too was bullied not physically like you guys,
    When I switched schools in 4th grade that's when it all began.
    I never had a single friend until 6th grade I was very lucky to have 2 friends that would stand up for me.
    But that didn't stop bullys from harassing me when they were not around .
    In the summer of 2014 I had finally earned enough money from a babysitting job.
    And bought myself a computer and a minecraft account.
    I didn't find the server right away but the first couple minutes I was on I could tell this server was the perfect one for me.
    After a while I got comfortable talking to others in the empire and eventually made friends and
    Now I go from server to server chatting with the staff, friends, new players, etc
    Emc Is like a 2nd family to me all the players are nice to one another and I don't know how my life would be had I not come across this server, but my life has been a heck of alot better since I joined
    Kytula, finch_rocks_1 and ChickenDice like this.
  4. Why? Aren't there child protection laws in Iceland?
  5. I was bullied physically in Elementary school from 3rd grade until the beginning of middle school in 6th grade as I am very much a nerd and those kids would beat me up for reading books instead of playing video games or watching TV. Even my 5th grade teacher bullied me though my mom had complained about her several times she still got to keep er job. I am ow in high school and have made a ton of friends and the bullying has mostly stopped but it is no longer physical.
  6. Same here back when I was in Elementary school but now I am very talkative and social you can just ask krysyy on how I can't shut my mouth in mumble.
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  7. We'll always be here for you finch, stay strong man. Stay strong.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  8. There's more than 7 billion people in the Earth. Don't fall due to an amount that small. I know it's easier said than done. But just try. I've been bullied for 9 years now. I know how it feels. Bullies are dumb, blind, and deaf to the real world. They don't know any emotions. They don't know the definition of humanity.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  9. This... I don't know how to describe it, but reading this like physically hits me. I can imagine a small amounth of bullying, maybe you get beaten up once, there are just some rude guys in the world. But I just can't see how people can be so... Agressive/blind/dumb/or I don't know what ot is, that they beat people up every day, just steal/break things (and not even small things) or even almost kill someone. I haven't seen this kind of things anywhere near me. And I am glad about that now I have seen this. I think I can't imagine anywhere near how you must feel, and I really feel sorry for you. You don't deserve this, I have spoke to you once, and you seemed like a really nice guy to me. The lazy tongue doesn't even matter.

    Also, I have readed all reactions here, and the people who I saw didnt seem to be a victim of bullying to me. They seemed the opposit. To me, they seem like guys who are strong, can handle situations, full-grown adults. So it pays a small amounth back, After all you have experienced, you are likely to have the ability to handle situations like this, and you are likely to not be affected that much by people who are doing stupid or mean things to you. (Okay I have the idea I didnt choose the good words, because what you got back seems nothing compared to what happened to you, so let me explain it with something that happened to me: My parents divorced, my grandfather died (I was quiet close to him), I got to a different school, and got an accident with my back that needs care for the rest of my life, so I was... Pretty down. But now after a couple years, I learned to live with those things, and if something bad happens, I would of course be sad/angry, but I would be able to handle it unlike before because compared to what I had been through it wasnt that big. I became stronger. So I mean this in form of bullying, you will grow stronger with it)

    So how are you doing now? Did you make friends on college? Did you move with your father already? Are you still being bullyed, or is it less than before at least? (Of course, if you dont want to answer you dont have to).
    I wish you very good luck for the rest of your life, and if you need someone to talk you can just PM me/talk via skype or whatever you like. I don't have had the same experience so I may not be very helpfull, but people say I am good at listening, and that can somethimes help too ;). So you can just add me to your long list of people to talk to if you want :p

    Oh, and I came on EMC around my hard times too, and I played more minecraft than ever before :p
    Patr1cV, finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  10. I'm 30 years old now, so I've grown up alot, which made it easier to handle bad stuff. But when i was 10 the bullying started. I've been through alot of really really bad stuff in my life, which i don't really want to talk about. And one thing i cam tell you:
    Most of the Time you get stronger if something bad happens to you. If not, there is nothing wrong with searching professional help. Nowadays i just visit my "Brain-Doc" just to talk about life in general, but back then he helped me through the roughest time of my life.

    Like someone said once:" Never give up, Never surrender!"
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  11. Yes there is actually. A wery good and afective child protection system in iceland. But there was noone that cared enough about me as a child in my comunity to report actions taken on me. Thus they never even knew what i had to go trough and were never able to help.
    Parents did not call the services about my home situation. They told theyr kids not to play with me. That led to those kids going one step further than just not playing with me.. they beat me up. My teachers agreed with my tormentors... so i did not recieve help there..
    finch_rocks_1, 607 and RiokuXian like this.
  12. You are very brave to share your life experiences with all of us. Thank you. You sound like a very thoughtful person and I believe you will find ways to have in person friendships as well as online friendships as you now have more freedom and control of your life as a young adult.

    It may take a lot of patience and courage, but I believe you can find your place in the world. One idea you might consider is to seek out a volunteer job. I volunteer at a local food pantry and I get so much from it. It would put you with other caring people who are volunteers.

    You also might seek some help from the college system. A good mentor can make a big difference.

    I wish you all the best as you start this new chapter of your life.
    finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  13. Thats the problem with Child Protection - if no one cares, no one will help.
  14. I agree. But in recent years and with the life of internet and blogs. Kids are getting a better change. Cause you can namelesly report over the internet ( were a small country so we get away with this) so more people are reporting. And kids in some ages can report theyr own situation.
    Schools now fire teachers that bully children. And schools also now have antybullying systems.
    Alot has changed in 25 years and kids in my situation usually dont have to stay in them
    finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  15. Yes that is a change i noticed in the last few years. Its good for those who suffer to tell other people without loosing their "face" in public.
  16. So there are laws now but there weren't when you were a child?
  17. The law was there when i was a child. But there was no internet. And people did not care what was happening to me. So no one ever reported what was happening to me to the goverment.
    and without somone elses help. The never knew and could not help me
    607 likes this.
  18. Oh
  19. I am doing fine, I have been seeing a counselor at college since Jan. I have an appointment with her to start talking about hrt. I have friends that support me and help me with college, and I do the se back. I don't know many people but I stick to 5 friends.

    My dad bought a new place and we are working on it. But for the other place there is still some issues with her signing to sell.

    I am bullied sometimes online, but I tend to ignore it and or block them. On xbox I kick them offline, and emc I report.

    I would type more but I am in the middle of my coms class on my cell. Lol

    I will be updating the thread soon to include more stuff.
    haastregt likes this.
  20. Good to hear it is getting better :D
    Patr1cV and 607 like this.