Hey EMC,

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by finch_rocks_1, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Wow. First, can I just say this thread made me really think of how fortunate I am, and just how much I take things for granted. Thank you so much for that, hopefully this will make me have a better, more thankful view on life.
    Secondly, some of what I read really shocked me. Hearing things like this really grounds a person. I read and hear about bullying all the time, but I'm happy to say I've never actually seen it. However, this has resulted in me being slightly ignorant to bullying irl, and this was a real eye-opener to me.
    I hope everything is fine at home Finch, and if you ever need to talk to anyone about anything that's happened, just tell me :)
    ChickenDice, finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  2. I didn't see that post, and good point Noah.
  3. The shadow proves the sunshine my friend. Though I have been bullied, I have never been bullied physically, because I am a fairly strong nerd (Take that nature!) So sadly I can't give you advice beside it will get better one day.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  4. He knows about it, thats why we are moving, so we can try and get a clean fresh start.
  5. lucky you, I have been bullied so much, that when they start pounding, it would go on for a while, and sometimes i would be out from the impact.
    CaziCookie likes this.
  6. If anyone wants to conact me i am usually on smp6, and if you want to add me my skype name is Google_Support its the same pic as on here, a red gta V i made when i first saw the gta v info. on xbox its finch rocks, and i also have Google Support but it ran out of live.
    CaziCookie likes this.
  7. Uhh, like moving with the girlfriend or like... moving out of her house?
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  8. Well we own the house, but we will be leaving her and selling the house,
  9. Fairly sure that's classed as domestic abuse and you can report her to the police.
  10. I'll add you.
    finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  11. Destruction of another persons property and assault are both Criminal Code offenses in Canada. If you want to start any action report it to the local police. I feel bad for you and hope things improve for you in the future. There are a lot of idiots in the world, but there are by far more nice and caring people out here.
  12. Thanks, and EMC has nice caring people, Just need to fine some more people that i live near. 2 of my friends from high school are also caring, but all my other friends are not very caring at all.
  13. Hey Hey Hey, Nice to seeya, I love walking dead :D
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  14. what i know of you finchy, is all i need to know.
    you are a brilliant mind, and that is who you are, and that what matters.
    keep the people that make you feel good close, and the people that dont.. just move on, life is to short to spend time on people that dont treat you the way you should be treated.
    your not alone i tell you, i was bullyes severly as a child, even to the point they tryed to kill me a few times, nothing was ever done cause my parents were poor, and "kids will be kids", even my teacher was good at making my life hell.

    but then i grew up, and moved away. and i realised that life can be good, when the horrible people are out of your life.
    if you ever want to have a chat finchy, you know where i am and my offer of Fb still stands, where you can contact me for a chat almost any time ;) ( exept when i sleep :p )

    emc is a absolutly grate place, and im so happy i found it, its filled (mostly) with awesome people, and finchy you are one of them :)
    AnonReturns and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  15. ^^ What Dramanya said. I am sure, when you move on to college many things will change and you will see that it is nothing like high school. You will have many more opportunities to find the right people and will be less dependent/thrown together with people that dislike you, as compared to high school.
    Heads up, we live in a pluralistic society and there is a spot for everyone.
    finch_rocks_1 and 607 like this.
  16. Well, I have my Program and Residents Paid, will be moving in on Jan 3rd, and i have put protection on all my reses so i dont loose my alts iff i am offline, Will try and stay gold and get on when i can. Wish me luck in college :D. Very Nervous being away from home living with a room mate for 3 years.
    dresden72 and 607 like this.
  17. If you are willing to share,

    What has been done/will be done with your dads girl friend?
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  18. We have been packing all our items up to move it into storage and when my dad finishes the house we will be selling it. May not be sold untill i am in college though. Only way we can get rid of her.
  19. If your dad owns the house, can't he just get her out?
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  20. Her name is on the house, but she did not pay, and all she pays atm is power, my dad pays for everything else, so the only way would to just buy her out or to sell the house,