Happy Valentine's Day EMC!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Happy Valentine's Day!

    Meanwhile, in the Mob Arena...
  2. I have no Valentines mine didn't come one the server lol
    feel free to say LMAO
  3. Thanks for the promos! :)
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  4. I know right!? :eek: The dilemma!
  5. me either.. i think. XD
  6. :( dang. =/ me either *hugs*
  7. =o Oh dang! I love it when the promo's are dated, at least with the year. Makes them a bit more ... yum. =]
  8. oooh. lol
  9. I decided not to when i saw it cross the 40k mark.
  10. How long will this last?
    ChickenDice likes this.
  11. Until next Friday night
  12. I would talk to staff directly if you are having problems or if you have special circumstances. I'm sure they can help you out. It's what they're there for. =]
  13. Do the arrows do anything?
  14. Sooo, what about the valentines treats for the people who posted a pic....?
  15. They're being mailed as I type this.
  16. Freaking out because Valentines day was yesterday for Australia
  17. And New Zealand!!!
  18. How did you know? :p
  19. 1. I recently got mine
    2. Krysyy was talking about it Mumble
    huckleberry24 likes this.
  20. Slash, I love the artwork in yer signiture. =>
    slash14459 likes this.