Happy Thanksgiving! Misc Updates - 11/24/15

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. A chunk is a cuboid of 16x256x16 blocks, though, so to say something is 3 chunks away when it's really just ~48 blocks down from you would be misleading. A chunk is not a unit of distance, but of volume.
  2. lol. I know lots and lots of maths; I would say more math than 99% of the population. Regardless though, we didn't intend for it to be hard to understand. ;)
    The calculation takes the player location, and the turkey location. The distance is calculated as a 3-D measurement (so x, y, and z). And then divided by 16 and rounded. Then sent to the player. So a turkey could definitely show up as 2 chunks away even while you are technically in the same minecraft chunk.

    I didn't write the code. Just stating how Aikar wrote it.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  3. Okay so it includes up/down in the distance.. That's good to know lol.
  4. Chickeneer is correct. The chunk borders mod does not take into account the y axis. However, a chunk is essentially a measurement of 16 blocks, including up and down. If there is no turkey on the surface of your location and the chunk distance of the turkey stays the same or gets higher, then logically the turkey would be underground. If you are one chunk away and don't see a turkey on the surface, dig down. In your case, try digging down a chunk (16 blocks). :)

    The chunk borders mod is really an aid to help you better locate turkeys. It won't give you the exact location, but it does help to narrow it down.
  5. Yes, and //calc (command in game) really helps with that task.

    //calc 16*14 (for that very distant Turkey)

    I love our //calc command :)
  6. Thanks for the update, I've now been able to find every gobble that i hear gobbling. :D

    Still no sword though. :I Gotta keep on slicing them gobbles.
  7. Didn't Include any of the hours of searching, but you can get a good idea of how long to kill.

    On the way back to town, we ran into a Marlix that spawned and then we forgot about. Lots of fighting for one night.
    Eviltoade, cadgamer101 and Reidlin like this.
  8. How long will this event last?
  9. Err I didn't intend that... we can fix that >_> Just need to clone both locs, set Y = 0, then distance.
    MatthewDA and cadgamer101 like this.
  10. Reasons and explanations as to why this occurred:

    2013 - The Turkey Slicer was originally released as a Thanksgiving promo item only in 2013. This one has the year on it because it was a promo item. No turkeys in existence.

    2014 - The promo was the Ham Hacker and has the year on it. At this time, Aikar came up with these ridiculous invincible turkeys and wanted a rare drop on them. We settled on the Turkey Slicer, since it was only fitting, but since it wasn't available with /promo. It became officially a 'special mob drop' with the lore saying Thanksgiving Turkey Drop and no year. It falls into the same category as the Marlix items, etc.

    2015 - Thanksgiving Map Art released. No official /promo item. Turkeys return with their sword drop.
    PenguinDJ, ThaKloned and cadgamer101 like this.
  11. Shouldn't there still be a promo like we had last year though?
  12. No because this is 2015, not 2014.

    Every year is not the same.
  13. It just seems like last year we got a promo and the event was a bit of a bonus and this year we just have the event and no promo that everyone can have.
  14. As Aikar stated, every year is not the same. In 2013, there was a promo, but no event. Every year is a little different. Besides, this year we got some really cool Map Art released.
    cadgamer101 and ThaKloned like this.
  15. I took a much needed break. Also we just pumped tons of powerful items into the economy with 100k.... We didn't need yet another promo so shortly after others.
    ThaKloned, DrMadFate and WayneKramer like this.
  16. Quick question, are feast chests still spawning for anyone?
  17. Yes
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  18. Yes, I saw a feast chest today. The spawn rates are low but they are spawning.

    I just want to once again thank the staff for putting on events like this. I know I whined more than usual and for that I apologize.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  19. I found a feast chest right outside a waste protected zone. Just stepped off the stairs and there it was. :D
  20. Yes, they are still spawning. Ive found several today:)