Happy New Year!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Happy new year everyone :D
    Acemox2k likes this.
  2. Happy new year! Did anyone see some cool fireworks? :p
    Acemox2k likes this.
  3. Happy new 2016 with the best wishes and good health!
    Acemox2k likes this.
  4. That someone has a name, and it happens to be Seanawesome14 (I think)
  5. Man. Well It is officialy Jan 2 Now here in Sydney :). Happy New Year Everyone! I still keep thinking its 2015 cuz man time passes by so quick!
    ShelLuser and Acemox2k like this.
  6. Happy New Year every one. A chance to start over with a new year, to renew your efforts in achieving your goals. Start your slate fresh but don't forget your failures for those were the lessons that were learned best. Try to find the beauty and joy around you in every situation and live in that moment to appreciate it because a moment is not yours to keep. In this way, moment by moment, we can find a better and happier 2016. Lets work together to build better moments for the EMC community and the world because every better moment you provide, 100's come back to you.

    I wish everyone in the EMC community a Happy New Year and a special thanks to the staff for the extra efforts to make our game experience great. THANK YOU!
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  7. Happy New Year too all, and may 2016 be a peaceful year too!
    ShelLuser and Acemox2k like this.
  8. Thanks for the promo! Who failed in year one then? Come on, admit it! Was it Aikar? Lol XD ;)
    mercenaries2009 likes this.
  9. My new year resolution to eat healthier is already working out! This morning I had a few slices of a Terry's Chocolate Orange ;D
    mercenaries2009 and ShelLuser like this.
  10. Say hello to the un-spamable firework...
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Happy independence day
    mercenaries2009 and ShelLuser like this.
  12. 2015 died. lol, 2015 is a noob at life its dead. go 2016!

    (I realize that this was totally random, xD)

    My New Years Resolution is the same as last years resolution: 1920 x 1280
    Wanderton and _Ulti like this.
  13. Happy New Year!
  14. Thanks for the promo item! Happy New Year to everyone and good luck on your resolutions.
  15. Happy 2016!! :D Wish everyone a good, happy year. :)
  16. I can't believe that we are already 4 days into 2016!!! Time flies...
  17. Happy New Year!
    4 days late