Guess Who Is Next!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Fuldmathr, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. Oh Fryer of Cars, today is your lucky day!
    I guess... MissBonnieParker!
    CarFryer likes this.
  2. Not a Bonnie :(

    Can there be Toade?
  3. Close Moople!
    Also Im not close to a frog at all... Sorry!
  4. i am not often catagorized as a "Jewel" ...

    I think I better guess Sefl again...
  5. I am not a turtle

    I am a Tower

    Maybe a waffle will be next
  6. A waffle was next!

    How about Skele?
  7. Turtle here definitely not a skele :eek:

    Surely Bonnie shows up again!
    MissBonnieParker likes this.
  8. Nope just a skele again :p

    I hear a Moople
  9. Not this time, sorry D:

    I'm going to guess that Waffle is next!
  10. You win! 🍪

    CarFryer likes this.
  11. Hey! I'm Tower.

    Let's see if we catch any pigs.
    wafflecoffee likes this.
  12. Pigs? Nope just a skeleton again. :cool:

    Stny is next I feel it
  13. nope its me but itll probs be tbird or skele again
  14. Aww... just one too late Skele, haha.

    I'm gonna guess MoreMoople :D
  15. Sadly not :p

    I think I have to go with someone active from europe at this time a day I guess. Im going for a 50/50 and saying Tom :)
  16. I'm not from Europe but I'd like to travel there some day :)

    I'll guess Skele again!
  17. Turtle Army here!

    Gonna guess...... the person who made the parkour i was finally able to beat the other day on utopia
    607 and SkeleTin007 like this.
  18. Oh so close but it is Skele :p

    I shall say Melle?
  19. No Melle.

    Maybe a Raaynn!?
  20. nope just a faded

    i think it will be a turd named sefl
    pewdiepiggy likes this.