Guess Who Is Next!

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Fuldmathr, Oct 20, 2018.

  1. im going to guess rhy :D
  2. Well, sorry, no. He hasn't been here in a while. :p
    Um... I don't think any who would check this thread are currently online... :p I'm going to go with MissBonnieParker.
  3. *The sizzling of a car being fried can be heard in the background*

    I'll guess Tom :)
  4. If you turn that M upside down it'll become a W and then just add an E and an R to that you might have been correct in who is next.

    I'm guessing Moople, MoreMoople !
    CarFryer, 607 and MissBonnieParker like this.
  5. Sorry Tower! I'll try Tom again :D
  6. I mean I think I’m prety close :)
    I guess faded
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  7. Whoops, I was just too late. :p

    Maybe Benny will come back? :D
    luckycordel likes this.
  8. Well I'm not Benny, But I am in his signature on the right about to get hit by a shulker. :D
    Let see if Benny comes back ;)
    607 likes this.
  9. Not quite a benny sorry :rolleyes:

    Carfryer next?

    edit: ninja'd by lucky lol
    luckycordel likes this.
  10. I don't fry cars, but I do fry players! :D
    I'm going to guess 607!
    CarFryer likes this.
  11. Nooooope! Maybe next time.
    Im hoping Rhy will jump back in at just the right time :)
  12. It was 3:25 AM here when you posted that, so I don't think there would be a particularly high chance of 607 posting shortly after that. :p

    But maybe you will come back because of this quote? :D
    607 likes this.
  13. Haha! Me again! And I'm a dreamer so I guess Aikar will comment next >:)
    607 likes this.
  14. Hi I am Aika- Nope Its just Skele :p

    I am guessing a Waffle?
  15. nope! I guess tom
  16. 20 minutes too late :p

    I'll say a Faded'll pop up.
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  17. We both like waffles. Same thing waffle won.
    Let's see if Luckycordel will come
  18. lol this sounds fun sorry benny....

    Just your friendly neighborhood turtle reminding only you can prevent ocean fires!

    I'm gonna guess moople!
  19. It's me! I think I remember why I kept playing this game, even though it has pretty little involvement and is repetitive... it's cute. :p

    I guess MoreMoople too!

    I do wonder in what regard you consider yourself similar to our Tom. :D
  20. No tom here....

    Burgertown is that you ?