[Group] EMCake Party - Vote for members here!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by roblikescake, May 26, 2012.

  1. <3
    copherfield likes this.
  2. alexchance copherfield secretazneks

    dont forget to vote for me XD
  3. Added.
  4. My votes go to AlexChance, SecretAznEks and Call_Me_Dejaja
    Call_Me_DeJaja likes this.
  5. I do like you, I simply did not vote for you because I was not sure that you would be the best man for the job.
    I will now stop this pointless discussion and let the voting go on.
    AlexChance likes this.
  6. OMG, SOMEONE GOT THE POINT OF THIS THREAD! Secret, you are the man.
  7. Thanks, I guess. :p
  8. Legendary idea :) yeah I'm probly not the best man for for the job... I wanted to join because I love helping people and it would be better if I could help people in a group of helpful people :) because sometimes I can't do certain things to help people by myself :( but at least I gave this EMC cake party idea a go. Btw love the idea forgot to say that :p well done Rob and secret :D
  9. sorry bout posting again, but i gotta know this:
    uh, why is my name in grey? lol
    SecretAznEks and AlexChance like this.
  10. Blargh I can't decide...
    Call_Me_Dejaja, SecretAznEks and BobtheTomato9798
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  11. i dont know... i cant change it to the orginal colour.
  12. Sorry, I have a question.. is it me or did I go from 18 to 17?
    Mrsmiley99 likes this.
  13. Truffle hunter,
    Squizzel boy
  14. All votes have been updated as of this post.
  15. What's the difference? LOL you are in bro, that's the important :p
    Equinox_Boss and AlexChance like this.
  16. I vote AlexChance!
    AlexChance likes this.
  17. Added.

    Note: Some people have yet to post their statements, and if you plan to still have a chance, I suggest posting one soon. Twenty-Six hours and 38 minutes left to vote!
    Equinox_Boss and pat2011 like this.
  18. /facecake

    I just realized that this does not end for another 12 hours and 43 minutes. Get your last minute votes in while you still can.
    AlexChance and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. All members who have been accepted for the EMCake Party have been Private Message'd their acceptance letter. Thank you all for participating, and expect a document from us within the next two weeks.

    Dear Members Not Chosen,
    We are very sorry to inform you that you have not been selected to the EMCake Party. Trust us, if we could have selected all of you, we would have. Please do not take this personally; this will not negatively affect your standing within EMC, nor should it cause anyone to disrespect you at all. If you have any questions for us, ask away.