[GIVEAWAY] 100,000 Rupees! Post = Guaranteed $

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by kevdudeman, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Ummm... Rupees...
  2. Yay rupees!
  3. I love rupees... They are so shinny...
  4. If a woodchuck could chuck wood, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck.
    Elysphic likes this.
  5. Correct :p
    Haerhitman likes this.
  6. Ooh, giveaways. Giveaways are fun. Thanks Kev!
  7. "I don't know who I am, and if I see a big, red button, i might just do THIS!"
    David Tennant
    The Doctor
    Doctor who
    penfoldex and brickstrike like this.
  8. Might as well go ahead and jump on the bandwagon! ;)
  9. This is the 68th post.
  10. This is more than 5 letters....
  11. Wooo! Free rupees! Thanks kev! :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Hamsters are very very nice.
  13. Guess what, THIS is a post! :3
  14. drats I get less than I was hoping for...
    Here goes nothing: If all that rupees were of the sort that become as one would describe as a sun with which all you become of wants isn't but not totally fulfilled with all, how so will such be spent?
  15. Me likes rupees, dey are really cheeezies... nom noms n' roo-pees bes good good... heh heh, hashy said pees.
  16. Sweet, this is awesome! I need me some rupees!
  17. Hi, alts allowed?
  18. I am an Orc.
  19. Who doesnt want free rupees lol?