Get your vote on, round 2!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by mjnoe70, Jul 21, 2017.



I have never voted. 1 vote(s) 8.3%
I used to vote but no longer do. 11 vote(s) 91.7%
  1. Well, try to get it going again! :)
    Tip: don't pay attention to your voting bonus streak. ;)
    mjnoe70 and ShelLuser like this.
  2. So in basically less than 4 days we have done pretty well we have improved position on 5 and stayed the same on 3. Keep the push on. You need to vote, get your friends to vote and share with new people how to vote and why.

    Update 7/24 at about 9am EST here is the change:
    26 was 27th on
    16 was 17th on
    94 was 96th on
    84 was 86th on
    29 was 29th on
    135 was 136th on
    3 was 3rd on MinecraftServers100
    8 was 8th on

    So so much of this thread has turned in to things about the voting streaks. We should all be happy that we get a reward, then possibly reward bonuses for voting. If you like to play Minecraft and love to play that Minecraft on EMC then its much more about how it helps the server to survive.
  3. Maybe... if we could get those other players to stop voting for their server... Maybe by sharing how our voting rewards are so much better :D

    Even though I enjoy the competition here a bit I also think it's a fair argument that the competition in itself also somewhat invalidates those voting site ranks. Hmm, maybe there are more voting sites which allow a small review, that could be a nice way to try and get some extra attention.

    iirc I did this once before :cool:
    mjnoe70 and 607 like this.
  4. People will vote where they stay.... So I think its less about how much better our rewards are and more focus on how much better our server is and why they should stay. Once they stay, then voting may be an easier discussion.

    Speaking of, things are holding pretty steady so lets make a push this week! (Some of you will be glad to know) I'll be away most of next week so I will not be able to comment on this. (I sure hope this comment doesn't generate to many likes)
    607 likes this.
  5. Here's what you do ShelLuser, join other servers and then advertise this one. That will make you very popular.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  6. It is often against the rules, though... :p
  7. There, fixed that for you :D
  8. Bump, I voted today, did you?
  9. I did as always... 1296 is where I am atm. That dang Kloned has me beat. lol
    mjnoe70 and 607 like this.
  10. It's probably a bit late now but for anyone in this thread that has the same problem, staff can edit the Surveys. Please report the thread with the changes needed and we will see to it fairly promptly. Best to do it sooner rather than later of course.

    As it's been nearly a week, it might almost be better to start again if you really want the data. However in this case I don't think there's much need for "I do vote" because we can see the numbers that do.
  11. The next time a player asks why should they vote or thinks the bonus is not much...

    Using shop keeper I was able to get a lot of information, which also included my "voting" and "sign-in" bonuses.
    So on my upcoming 200th voting day I will have had over 440,000r of income in voting bonuses alone.

    Due to IP restrictions, I do not even get all my votes every day on this account so I'm sure I've missed several thousand more. I just reached about "6 months" exactly on EMC, with the 18 hour windows I got a little more in voting days than played days.
    NDubb424 and 607 like this.
  12. 607 likes this.
  13. So I've been away, but still voting... Anwyay, I thought I'd do a quick take on where we are today. Keeping in mind that we did just have a reset in some websites positions and some websites allow purchased starting votes...

    Update 7/24 at about 9am EST here is the change:
    26 was 26th on
    23 was 16th on
    99 was 94th on
    88 was 84th on
    29 was 29th on
    146 was 135th on
    3 was 3rd on MinecraftServers100
    8 was 8th on

    So across the reset we are doing ok but really not as good as I'd like to see. The survival of our server and having more people to do things with in EMC equates to the number of players that we add from these server listings pages. I know I found Empire when voting for a server back when I started playing Minecraft and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Higher rankings equates to more visibility which will mean more new players trying out EMC.

    Encourage new players to vote. As noted before, over the first 200 days a player can get 400,000-500,000 rupees simply by voting and doing nothing else. This builds an active voting player who also now has more rupees to spend in game.

    Think about it, the only way to get more currency in to circulation is through voting. That is the only means by which new rupees are introduced.
    NDubb424 and 607 like this.
  14. has got a Discord nowadays. You can receive gold credit for posting there, apparently. You can then use that gold credit to get the server to gold status for some days, which has the benefit of 20 extra daily votes, and the ability for the owner (Aikar, I suppose) to bump the server up to the top of the front page.
    Interesting, perhaps?

    In other news, the promo video for EMC on doesn't work anymore.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  15. So even with more activity in the past few weeks than I've seen since I joined we are dropping in the rankings, especially on bigger sites like topg. We have actually fallen 2. We have also fallen on from 8th to 9th and on one we have battled before to get first, we are falling further behind on minecraftservers100.

    I see our server popping up in the top 5 shout out servers as well on occasion so that is a great thing, but we all have to do our part as well.

    Do not kid yourself, if we do not keep people coming in and support for the server in voting as well as supporters the server will not be around forever. Some losses, with in reason or for short times, may be taken but only as long as those funding this enjoy what they are doing. As long as it is paying for itself, then it is likely to have less question on whether it remains active or not.
    607 likes this.
  16. Vote vote vote! I really can't stress that when you do not vote, even if you are a supporter, you are not helping to grow and keep this server alive and active...

    With that said, mostly either fairly stable, a couple with minor losses and a couple with minor gains.

    Update 8/18 at about 9am EST here is the change:
    30 was 28th on (really! Down 3 total)
    15 was 16th on (this is up 2 from a couple months ago)
    94 was 94th on
    89 was 84th on
    28 was 29th on
    137 was 135th on
    3 was 3rd on MinecraftServers100 (but gaining on number 1 and 2!!!! lets go)
    8 was 8th on (closing in on number 7)
  17. Bumping this thread purely as a thanks to the EMC staff for pushing this on TOPG! I see our server up in the top shout outs more often right now so they are doing their part in trying to help bring new players in to EMC. Lets do ours by voting for our favorite server on all of them!

    FYI, closing in on number 1 at lets do this!
    607 likes this.

  18. This is on 5 accounts... Plus i vote fir anther... I vote on 7 sites, and that's enough for me.. I have been doing this voting since it came out, but had issues in the past where i would have no internet for a few days and it would drop over 50 numbers... that was before they fixed it to only drop a max of 10 now.

    Also college and other things get in the way, and sometimes the times are not feasible, like i will vote at 12am one day and next day i am in bed at 11pm, so have to vote the next day, and loose the increase.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  19. Also, Might I add, one thing most players tend to do... Is when they get to vote 300, They have all the items you can get and they tend to stop voting as there are no special items they want. By adding more items there could be a increase in numbers on the sites.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  20. Thanks finch and I know EMC greatly appreciates your voting as do I. As I did say to a few others in this and my past chain, you are likely not my intended target.

    I am just pushing for general awareness, trying to motivate some who may vote less or are newer to get out and help support the server anyway they can. Not every support has to be a purchased title, so even if you are 8, don't have enough money, do vote every day on your account(s) a player can simply help EMC by voting. Increased visibility is very important in any venture which is why some companies pay millions to be at the top of a google search.

    Many of the people who do follow the forums and may have responded in this thread do help new players. Explaining voting and the benefits to those players is a great addition to the starting help. I've found doing this myself that they like the additional rupees for when I show them how they can use shops. (BTW, weeh owes me big since I normally take them to his mall!)
    607 likes this.