Its finally finished! I thought it was time for a change in my profile pic! Its been revamped and shows how much my art has changed over the past 7 months. For comparison: Old One: New One:
It's really nice to see you draw the image again, I can see how you have changed since you last drew it. I notice a difference in Otus's appearance the most. I may be biased, or the fact that he's right next to me in both images. lol
That group pic is so awesome. It represents the community of EMC because we have monsters, humans, strange creatures, frogs, teddy bears, and pop-tarts? lol
Self realization occurred upon both of them. I realized that luckygreenbird appears as a human in my comics, and Smooshed had asked for his character to be redesigned
Aikar said Yeet….so a big change of plans, because these are still relevant: CarFryer InterpretationKrysyy vs CrystalDragon13 Part 1Eviltoades Undeparture Krysyy vs CrystalDragon13 Part 2 THE OP CARFRYERBoscodo InterpretationDr SkeleTins Potato ExperimentYeetSkeleTin Interpretation
Haha, I love how I'm nervous about not only about your out-loud thought, but that large figure that is behind you with those hands, getting ready to grab something. lol