Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. That's enough of the Internet for today. ;-;
    AnonReturns and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  2. My brain is broke.....
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  3. Did your brain run out of money?

    edit: your*
  4. as in quit working cause i got confused -.-
  5. If you aren't using it, may I borrow it? I have some things I need to get done, and my brain refuses to cooperate.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. Trust me you wouldn't want it there are scary things going on in my head :confused:
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  7. I'll still take it. Don't worry, I'm used to scary things, I'm from SMP8 after all . . .
    ChespinLover77 and AnonReturns like this.
  8. You wouldn't be able to handle the madness that goes on up there
  9. He looks like hes enjoying that lava bath (or cooking pot)
    nick_godoy and Ultimamaxx like this.
  10. I absolutely love this xD
  11. yes.png He Died while tasting the rainbow xD
    Aphaea, nick_godoy and Ultimamaxx like this.
  12. Bump in the road!!
  13. 2015-04-09_22.24.03.png

    The conversation EvilToade and I are having here is about a time not too long ago when I gave him a special piece of bread named "Love Bread".

    Not staff related, but... This:
  14. Lel just found this in town spawn:
    FadedMartian and NickkG like this.
  15. Wow, :p. How do we get there?
    Surprised this is allowed xD
  16. Lol hahaha thank you someone to finally say what most of us been trying to say but never did... Lol hahahaha yes I've seen this before and I'm like oh wow probably not intently ment to happen but it did and we all know what we think when we see it lol hahaah thank you for finally speaking for some of us lol *rofl
    nick_godoy and f_Builder_s like this.